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Monday, January 27, 2014

LiveintheNOW: Study Finds This Activity Slows Alzheimer’s Progression Better Than Drugs and much more

Dear Lisbon Reporter and Live in the Now readers,
There is a natural compound that researchers are saying holds more promise when it comes to fighting brain decay than any other medical finding to date. Find out what it is.

In addition, research is showing that this natural brain protector fights inflammation and can even extend your lifespan.

In other brain health news, a new study has found that doing this for just 30 minutes a day, 5 times a week can slash your Alzheimer's risk.

And lastly, Crohn's disease is a serious digestive disorder for which conventional medicine offers no real solutions. However, many Crohn's sufferers have successfully healed their condition with natural foods.

Enjoy reading and please share your comments!
In good health,
Joshua Corn, Editor-in-Chief

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Here's today's recommended reading:

Ancient Secret Beats Modern Day Memory Pills

Why Curcumin is Officially the "King of All Spices"

Study Finds Exercise Slows Alzheimer's Progression Better Than Drugs

Here's How You Can Overcome Crohn's Disease With Nature's Foods

The Secret to Preventing Most Age-Related Diseases

What Reading a Novel Does to Your Brain

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