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Thursday, March 27, 2014

RedFlagNews: New Report: IRS Tea Party Targeting Leads Directly to Obama...

(by Kris Zane, WCJ) -- According to a new report issued by the congressional Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, it was high-level IRS staffers based in Washington and not “rogue” IRS agents in Cincinnati that targeted Tea Party groups. According to dozens of emails released by the report, Lois Lerner and literally dozens of upper level employees of the IRS not only knew about the targeting of conservative groups, but directed it. Lerner, in one email, even went so far as to call Tea Party groups “very dangerous.”

 Video produced by Produced, written, and edited by Kris Zane. Narrated by Tom Hinchey

In other words, the targeting of Tea Party groups was orchestrated from Washington—literally a walking distance from the Oval Office.
Are we to believe Obama was not involved—being only steps away—when he repeatedly criticized the Tea Party, identifying them as his enemies, calling them Tea Baggers?
But here is the key to the coverup:
Obama directed the IRS to attack the Tea Party in order to affect the 2012 election. More than likely, if the Tea Party had not been weakened, Barack Hussein Obama would not be President of the United States today.

Submitted by: Todd Comber

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