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Showing posts with label Water Dept.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Water Dept.. Show all posts

Monday, October 29, 2012

Election 2012 Lisbon Local Write-In Candidates


The Lisbon Reporter is not supporting any candidate but has learned that the following candidates’ names do not appear on the ballot.  The Lisbon Reporter's sole purpose is to keep Lisbon citizens informed.


Larry Allen Fillmore

Amy M. Dudar

Stanley Arthur Doughty Jr

***It is important to fill in the oval next to the write-in candidates name or your vote will not count***

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My fourth letter to the residences of Lisbon: Regarding Water Department

My fourth letter to the residences of Lisbon:

I would like to give the readers a short explanation on who is eligible to work for a Maine water company.  The Maine Drinking Water program has the responsibility of determining who may become a licensed operator and is responsible for assigning licensees.  Water systems are defined through a process of grading points, class I to class IV.  This is true in both treatment and distribution according to the complexity and population.  Lisbon is a class II.  Operators must show competency by successfully completing examinations in both treatment and distribution.  Operators must also possess the appropriate experience.  The state requirement for Lisbon is two years experience in a water company.  An operator must posses the knowledge, skills, ability and judgment to assure safe drinking water.  This is measured through a review of education, experience and examinations.   The Lisbon Water Department has three employees with a class II or higher license and one employee who has a class I and is currently studying for the class II test.  My point to this is that the town does not have any current employees who would meet the requirements to be licensed operators.  Hence, there would be no savings with a takeover by the town!

General Manager
The General Manager’s duties are to supervise the daily activities of all the staff and report to the three elected water commissioners at the bi-monthly meetings.  I think it would be beneficial to mention the chain of command at this point.  The field staff will do what it can to solve any problems/requests.  The next step is to take it to the office staff.  The office staff will then present the problem/request to the general manager.  If the problem/request is still present then the Board of Water Commissioners will ask the person to attend a meeting.  If the problem/request still has not been resolved the final decision falls with the Maine Public Utilities Commission.   So for complaints or concerns you should come to the water department not the town manager or council member.

The Water Commissioners are elected for a three-year term; their terms do not run concurrently.  Therefore, there is one commissioner on the ballot every year.  The water commissioner’s sole responsibility is to the customers and the water supply that serves the Town of Lisbon.   I feel that the present board works very well to keep your water supply safe.

I would like to ask you to write in the name of Stanley Arthur Doughty Jr. for re-election to the water board.

Remember voting yes will not cut your water bill or lower your taxes.  Therefore, I am asking for your support of the current Water Department as it stands by voting NO.

Questions call me at home 353-2780 or cell 576-2438 office 353-3020.

William A. Bauer, Chairman

Monday, October 15, 2012

My Third letter to the residences of Lisbon: Referencing The Water Department

My Third letter to the residences of Lisbon:

The reason the Town Officials are giving for the take over of the Lisbon Water Department is an attempt to save money for water customers and taxpayers.  There are three areas that the town may feel that they can save money:

  • The elimination of the stipends paid to the three water commissioners.
  • The elimination of the part time person for the water department.
  • The elimination of the salary for the general manager. 

This would total about $70,000 out of a $925,000 budget.  My question is who will perform the duties of the terminated employee’s and elected officials and how much will that cost us?  My thoughts are that this will cost the residents more money than any savings it will generate.   

Here are some facts that the voting public needs to be aware of.  If you have other areas of concern please call me.

The Lisbon Water Department is using Northern Data for its billing program.  The Town uses Trio for its computer billing programs.  The Water Department has found that the customer history is much more beneficial by using Northern Data as its billing program.  This information has been extremely valuable when a customer calls about a high water bill.  If the town takes over does this account history vanish?

The Lisbon Water Department pays for all of its own insurance programs, but does benefit from bulk purchasing through the town.

The water department pays for repairs and parts for all of the vehicles that have been completed by the town garage.  However, the town does not maintain parts for hydrants, meters, the filtration plant, or repair clamps for water mains breaks.  The water department does maintain the inventory of parts for all of these.

The water department provides to the town its water meter readings for sewer billing purposes at no charge to the town.  There are no savings to the town from meter readings.  Other communities are charging sewer departments as much as a $1.00 per reading. 

The Lisbon Water Department maintains the payroll for water department employees.  The information is then provided to the Town of Lisbon and the Town prints the checks.  This amounts to six checks per week for employees and three checks quarterly for the commissioners.  The Lisbon Water Department does maintain it’s own checking account and prepares all of its own checks other than payroll.  The Lisbon Water Department must have the Town Manager or his designated person sign the checks.  This is spelled out very clearly by the charter.  No employee or elected official of the water department may sign any checks issued by the Lisbon Water Department.

The Lisbon Water Department maintains its own debt structure.  These bond payments are paid for from water revenues but the Town of Lisbon guarantees the debt.   The total current long-term debt of the Lisbon Water Department is $3,000,000.
 NOTE:  $2,000,000 is owed for the filter plant located on Moody Ave (a spill or contamination means we still pay but can’t use this plant).


I ask that when you vote on November 6 to vote NO on this question.    Voting yes will not save any money for the water customers or the taxpayers.

Questions call me at home 353-2780 or cell 576-2438 office 353-3020.

William A. Bauer, Chairman

Sunday, October 7, 2012

My Second letter to the residences of Lisbon: Regarding Water Department

My Second letter to the residences of Lisbon:

In Councilor Bickford’s unofficial survey he made it sound that if the Council takes over the Lisbon Water Department the council would be able to lower the fire protection charges.  This is far from true; the Maine Public Utilities must approve the rates.  When a water utility seeks a rate increase, the utility will have an audit for financial information along with reasoning on why additional rates are needed.  The findings are presented to the Maine Public Utilities Commission and the P.U.C. will approve or disapprove the rates for a water utility.  The P.U.C. has established a formula for how utilities gain their revenue.  Without getting too complex a third should come from residential, a third fire protection, and a third from industrial/commercial.  Lisbon’s 2011 revenues came from the following:  residential, $478,850, fire protection, $290,857, commercial $57,067, other $97,862 for a total revenue of $924,634.

Information taken from the 2011 independent audit and reported to the Maine Public Utilities. 

It is important that Lisbon residents realize that the Board of Water Commissioners does not set the water rates.  It is the job of the Water Commissioners to determine the projects and then try to fund those projects with current revenue or ask for a rate increase.  The residents and the Maine Public Utilities Commission must approve projects and funding.  There can be a citizen petition to have the increase held up for a more through investigation.  

The Lisbon Water Department collected $290,857 in fire for protection services.  This money comes from all of us who pay taxes to the Town of Lisbon. 


Maintenance to 37 miles of pipe large enough to provide water to our fire equipment

234 fire hydrants that need to be plowed, painted, flushed and kept in working order.

High capacity pumps to push the water into the system
Storage tanks with a total of 1,500,000 gallons of water. Cost to paint a tank $200,000.

The board is seeking permission to add a third tank with an estimated cost of $1,400,000

Electrical charges of $2,500.00 per month

 I would like to address the proposal of closing the water department building located at 630 Lisbon Street and relocating those functions to the town office.The operational costs must be paid for this building such as phone service, heat, electricity, and maintenance.  It is my belief that building would be turned over to public works.  This building is essential towards the operational activities of your water department service.  There are 5 reasons why this building cannot be simply closed:  

1.  There is a valve that blends water from Ann Street well with water from Lisbon. 

2.  There are computer and telemetering controls that determine pumps on and off, water levels in the tanks and provides indication of a water break and various pumping activities.  In the event of a need for more water the system will activate and increase the pumping capacity.

3.  Storage for daily water department equipment trucks and backhoe

4.  Bathroom facilities for the water personnel.  A few years back the water department was asked by public works not to use the facilities at public works.

5.  This office does provide a location for water and sewer customers to pay their bills in Lisbon Falls, including an after hour drop box.

I ask that when you vote on November 6 to vote no on this question.    Voting yes will not save any money for the water customers or the taxpayers.

Questions call me at home 353-2780 or cell 576-2438 office 353-3020 or better yet come to water meeting next meeting October 15 @ 6:30. 

William A. Bauer, Chairman

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Warrant Articles In Lisbon


This is a quick article expressing MY personal opinion on the questions voters are going to be asked on November 6, 2012.

The first one pertains to eliminating the Budget Advisory Board in favor of a Finance Committee.  Currently the voters elect whom they want to serve on the Budget Advisory Board.  Now, the council wants to be able to select whom they want to serve on the Finance Committee.  I believe the Charter Commissioners wanted an impartial set of eyes to review the budget and make objective recommendations to the council.  Having the council select individuals to the Finance Committee is like asking the fox to guard the hen house.  

Next is the question pertaining to the dissolve the Water Department and place all its functions under the town.   Our Water Department ranks approximately 20th in the entire state with the lowest rates; so why fix something that is not broken?  Our Water Department has done an outstanding job serving the citizens of Lisbon.

Anyone voting in favor of these questions is “brain dead”.   Just my opinion!

Larry Fillmore
Concerned Citizen

Monday, October 1, 2012

First Letter to the residences of Lisbon regarding the take over of Lisbon's Water Department

First letter to the residences of Lisbon:

I, William Bauer, find it necessary to approach the town’s residents with some simple clear-cut facts about The Lisbon Water Department and the attempt of the town to take over this department.  I have served you the people of Lisbon, in the capacity of Water Commissioner, for over 35 years with your best interest at heart, without a self-serving or political purpose in mind.   For your trust in me, I say Thank You!!

I am going to try to give the residents some facts through a series of presentations in this forum so that you may make a knowledgeable vote on Nov 6.   The sole purpose of the Lisbon Water Department is to be able to put all of our efforts into protecting your water and keeping you completely informed of any and all changes that might effect your water quality or efficiency.  We are capable of making mistakes and are far from being perfect.  We do however; attempt to make corrections and/or improvements in a timely and effective manor.  Case in point Mr. Adams and the Board are currently working on a new water tank and the replacement of the water line on Frost Hill Ave. 

I am all for operating as efficiently as possible and would vote for this takeover if I thought it would lower the water rates and save money, I believe it will not and could possibly increase the rates.  The facts are that out of 150 public and private water companies in the State of Maine there are 130 with higher water rates than Lisbon.  This information is available on the PUC web page although it has not been updated since last year.

On Tuesday, August 28 the Town Council held a workshop.  This was not a workshop with open dialogue between all parties concerned.   Mr. Wells and myself had to ask to speak.  The Council then took a straw vote to have a nonbinding question on the ballot Nov 6th to have the town take over the Lisbon Water Department.  This causes several questions and concerns for me.  This vote, if approved, will be the first step in turning all control over to the town.  The question will be placed on the ballot as a result of Councilor Bickford’s un-official survey.   The big push on his survey is trying to save money through combining of services.  Some of the councilors did say at the workshop that they were not sure if any money could be saved by the takeover of the Lisbon Water Department.  I made the suggestion that a small committee made up of 2 councilors, 2 members of the water board, and 3 residents, get together to solve some of the differences that appear to be problem areas.  I will add that as of October 1, 2012 more than a month later I have not received any contact about talking about any issues.

If the town vote is yes there are several steps that need to be taken.  The council will need to vote to have a State representatives, Councilor Crafts, or Senator Mason sponsor a bill to amend the Charter of the Lisbon Water Department to be run by the Town Council.  The Water Charter dates back to 1909.  There were some charter changes made in the mid ”50s” I will talk about those changes prior to the November 6 vote, as they are very important.

Every Town Manager since my Dad’s tenure has attempted to take over the Water Department.    This scares me on many levels.  One of which is the fact that it seems to be based on a political agenda and a personal vendetta rather than an honest attempt to improve the service to the residents.  I also believe that it is a way to pass additional municipal costs on to water customers.  I left the workshop that the Town called to discuss the takeover of the Water Department with feelings of dismay and confusion.

Questions: call me at home 353-2780 or cell 576-2438 office 353-3020 or better yet come to a water board meeting.  I will discuss other issues in my next letter. 

 William A. Bauer

Monday, September 24, 2012

Lisbon Candidates & Ref Questions for Nov 6 2012

Hello All,

Papers were filed today.  Names were determined by lot, not alphabetical order.  The following candidates and referendum questions will appear on the November 6, 2012 ballot.  Proofing will be done early next week and then absentee ballots should arrive at the Town Office by October 3 or 4th.   Please verify your name and address appears correctly below. THANK YOU!

Regular absentee voting will take place at the Town Hall until 5:00 PM on Thursday November 1, and then by special circumstances only until 8 PM on Election Day.  Lots of voters have called the Town Clerk’s office or filled out absentee applications requesting their absentee ballot be mailed to them when they arrive. Candidates are prohibited from handling absentee ballots, except for immediate family members. 
Signs may go up in the road right-of-way 6 weeks prior to Election Day and must come down 1 week after.  Advertising materials and campaigning will not be allowed within 250 feet of the absentee polling place at the Town Hall once these ballots arrive.  If you have any questions at all, feel free to contact me.  My cell is 319-6008, anytime.  Other election information and candidate handout materials can be found on the Town Clerk’s website under Elections. 

For Council At Large
Gregg William Garrison
9 Pike Street, Lisbon Falls

Eric Glen Metivier
277 Lisbon Street, Lisbon

For Council District 1
Mark Curtis Lunt

For Council District 2
Dillon James Pesce
Tyler Alfred Golletti

For Budget Advisory Board At Large
Dorothy Bernadette Fitzgerald
6 School Street, Lisbon Falls

For Budget Advisory Board District 1
Write ins

For Budget Advisory Board District 2
Write ins

For School Committee
Herbert Leslie Reed
385 Ridge Road, Lisbon Falls

Kathi Louise Yergin
2 Highland Avenue, Lisbon Falls

For Water Commission
Write ins


Twila Lycette, Town Clerk
300 Lisbon Street
Lisbon, ME 04250
207-353-3000 Ext 109

NOTICE: Under Maine's Freedom of Access ("Right-to-Know") law, documents - including e-mail - in the possession of public officials about town business are classified as public records. This means if anyone asks to see it, we are required to provide it. There are very few exceptions. Please keep in mind that what you write in an e-mail is not private.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Recap Town Council Workshop - August 28th‏


At last night’s town council workshop, there were only two agenda items being discussed.  The first one pertained to the Fireworks Survey Results.  There was a lengthy discussion over the results of the survey.  The main concern I have with the survey is the numbers do not add up on any of their questions and without accurate data; I cannot understand how you can utilize it to make any decision.

 Lisbon Police Chief David T. Brooks and Fire Chief Sean Galipeau

According to Chief Brooks, there have been approximately 109 incidents which resulted in on one person being charged.  According to the Chief, this is an educational period and the police officers are using their discretion in enforcing the law.

But in this case it did not matter because the council flipped the results and did exactly what they wanted to do.  A prime example is the survey 37% of the people surveyed wanted to ban fireworks in Lisbon.  This was the majority of the people surveyed and the council recommended the use of fireworks in Lisbon only on three dates – July 4th, Moxie weekend Friday and Saturday and New Year’s Eve.  The council also recommended the use of fireworks only between 4:00 PM-0100 AM on the dates indicated and cannot be used within 100 feet of any town buildings. 

When it came to allowing the sale of fireworks in Lisbon; the majority of the survey said NO by 56.6% of the people surveyed.  The town council recommended allowing fireworks stores in Lisbon.  Council Mason said this is what you call “Capitalism”.  The town manager said there had been two organizations interested in opening fireworks stores in Lisbon.

 LtoR: Town Clerk Twila Lycette, Councilor Gina Mason, Town Manager Stephen G. Eldridge

The first reading for these changes will be ready for the town council meeting on September 18th.  Based on what took place, I cannot understand why the town wasted everyones time with a survey they were never going to utilize.  This is another fine example of the council listening to the wishes of the people.  This council does exactly what it wants to do and apparently do not care what the desires of the people are.

The second part of the meeting dealt with the question of whether or not to put the Water Department under the control of the town.   This was a direct result of Councilor Bickford’s survey.  This is a survey which I have included at the end of this article.  

 Councilor Roger Bickford

Councilor Bickford asked me if I was in favor of the proposal and I said “NO”.  I was never provided a survey to complete.  Apparently, this survey was only completed by a select few who met the criteria.  I personally believe it is being pushed because there are several people who disapprove of Paul Adams because he is not a “YES MAN”.

During Councilor Ward asking questions, Council Bowie said “Didn’t you read your email?” and Councilor Ward responded “I did read my emails but I did not memorize them.” or words to that effect. You can draw your own conclusions from that exchange.  Bill Bauer recommended a committee made up of members from the council and the water commissioners with a few at large members to try and improve relations and to find a way to educate the people on both sides of the issue before the November election.  The town council is going to place the question on the ballot.  Ken Wells shared Bill Bauer's concerns and had additional comments about why they were doing this.

I am going to add my comments on a separate article.

Larry Fillmore
Concerned Citizen

Town of Lisbon Municipal Government /Water Department Consolidation

Do the citizens of the Town of Lisbon wish to consolidate services and oversight of the Lisbon Water Dstrct with the Town of Lisbon municipal government. Consolidation with the town would include;

• Closing administrative offices located at 639 Lisbon Street

• Reducing the administrative staff at the water department

• Functional and supervisory oversight would be vested in the Town Manager

• Town Council would be the governing entity.

• Implementation of policy changes including: bidding and purchasing requirements, budgetary approval, and personnel policies, to be realigned in accordance with the municipal code.

This would achieve an annual savings of $115,892 with more savings gained by combined work forces and equipment. Currently the Town of Lisbon pays the Water District $292,000 for hydrant fees.

Circle one only.



Please forward to WDS, Town of Lisbon, 300 Lisbon Street, Lisbon, ME 04240

Councilor Roger Bickford, we thank you for you dedication in getting this survey circulated to a select couple hundred people. Considering there are several thousand more voters that might want to understand more and perhaps have a chance to express their own feelings. Why don't you support putting it on the November ballot if this is truly a viable option and not just another attempt of the town to get more money to control and needlessly waste.  That is of course,  if you truly want to help and stand on your own instead of being lead around!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Think About This Lisbon, Instead of getting rid of the Water Dept. You Ought to be getting rid of the POLICE Dept. and Go with Sheriff's Patrol,,,LOOK, SEE, READ, UNDERSTAND

Gritty N.J. city of Camden to scrap police department amid budget woes

Crime-ridden Camden, New Jersey - often referred to as the most dangerous city in the United States—is getting rid of its police department.
In the latest example of a cash-strapped municipality taking drastic measures to deal with swollen public sector liabilities and shrinking budgets, the city plans to disband its 460-member police department and replace it with a non-union “Metro Division” of the Camden County Police. Backers of the plan say it will save millions of dollars for taxpayers while ensuring public safety, but police unions say it is simply a way to get out of collective bargaining with the men and women in blue.
“This is definitely a form of union-busting," Camden Fraternal Order of Police President John Williamson told “This method is unproven and untested, to put your faith in an agency that doesn’t even [yet] exist.”
Camden County Mayor Dana Redd has said layoffs of the city’s police force will begin by the end of the month. Only 49 percent of current city police officers will be transferred to the new county division, whose members will begin a four- to five-month training program.

Submitted by: Councilor Cote

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Recap Lisbon Town Council Meeting August 21, 2012


I understand my recaps of the meetings and workshops are rather lengthy but it is extremely hard to condense three hours into one page.  Some items are more important than others but I do not know which ones you are interested in so I try to write something about each.

 Councilors Bowie & Bickford
During Audience Participation, Dot Fitzgerald, Dale Crafts, Roger Cote and I all spoke about the upcoming Charter Amendment concerning the municipal budget.  Councilor Bowie recommended and the entire council agreed that after two no votes by the people; the proposed budget by the council would go into effect.  All of us who spoke disagreed with this and asked the council to reconsider utilizing last year’s budget after two no votes by the people.

Under Audience Participation Response, Chairman LaRochelle addressed several of Mrs. Fitzgerald’s questions from the previous meetings but never addressed and of my questions. 

Under Council Orders, Resolutions & Ordinances was the following:  Finance Committee 1st reading; Carries & Transfers; 2012-2013 Road Paving Schedule.  All of these were discussed and with the exception of the Road Paving were voted on 7-0.  The Road Paving needed additional information.  The rest of this section dealt with administrative changes to law on Health Service and Community Development Block Grant procedures.  If you need to see details, please go to the agenda documentation on the town web site.  Councilor Bowie made all the “SO MOVED” and someone would second and then all the puppets raised their hands in support.

Under Other Business, the Tax Assessor set the Tax Rate at 0.02226 which means the MIL RATE is now $22.26 per thousand verses last year’s MIL RATE of $21.00 per thousand.  This will provide you an idea of how much your taxes are going to go up this year.  The Finance Director provided a brief report on the year to date Revenues and Expenses.  The Town Manager reported he had nothing to contribute.

Lisbon Finance Director Jessica Maloy

 Lisbon Tax Assessor Bill Van Tuinen
During Councilor Communications, Chairman LaRochelle talked about the question of whether or not the Water Department should be placed under the town.  Chairman LaRochelle indicated it was going to be a question on the November ballot for the people to decide.  He stated there was no reason to conduct workshops on this before the people make their decision.  Councilor Mason stated she still wants to know the PROs and Cons.

 Councilor Gina Mason
After the Executive Session, the Council returned, Councilor Bowie made a motion to go after the owners of the property at 231 Lisbon Street and Cotton Road for Code Violations.  I have checked with several members of the audience and all of them agreed; Councilor Bowie did not provide a specific address on Cotton Road.  Apparently, everyone on Cotton Road LOOK OUT!

I hope I have provided you with a brief summary of what took place at the meeting.  If you want more details, please let me know.  I will be following up on some of these items with separate articles with my opinion.

Larry Fillmore
Concerned Citizen

(All photos pleasantly provided by: Coucilor Cote)

Friday, June 1, 2012

Water on Frost hill ave

I Cant believe that because we live on frost hill ave we have to go thru this water main break everytime you turn around...Twice now this week NOOOOOOOO   water...Why cant they FIX the Problem and stop putting a PATCH on it....By now everyone KNOWS the PATCH isnt going to work...Its really UPSETS me and im sure others on frost hill ave when we CANT take our showers and do our house work because the PATCH DIDNT WORK again!!!!
    Charlene FOSS

Friday, April 27, 2012


When are the town of Lisbon residents and taxpayers going to wake up?
Do you know what is going on right under your collective noses? 
1.   We are losing real estate tax income. 
2.   We are losing personal property income.
3.   We are paying $56,000 for a Community Development Director who has not brought any development into town, yet. And like his predecessor did anything either, she, Rosie Bradley, only managed to delete files in the Economic Development office All without the Town Councils Approval and put a bunch of Flags on the the light poles in town, all while being championed by then councilor Dale Crafts and his cousin co-Hort current councilor Gina Mason.  Hello!!!???

4.   Town Manager Eldridge wants to pay an additional $20,000 to a Town Planner. Duplication of services come to mind?
5.    A town employee who heads up four departments with a total salary of a minimum of $90,000, has full use  of a town vehicle even for personal purposes, taxpayers paying for gas, tires and maintenance.
6.  Eldridge says in case of emergencies, while even Deputy Fire Chiefs, both stations, use their own vehicles in the case of emergencies.
Guess who soon will be footing the bill for a replacement vehicle?  Perhaps if the Fire Equipment was used for Lisbon Purposes instead of being 'Farmed Out' or Down for repairs more lives could be saved in Lisbon.
7. Replacing the roofing on a building that is not leaking, but not re-roofing a building that is leaking. 
All the while Town Council members sit at the council  budget meetings with blank faces, nod, and raise their collective hands  and vote YES on anything and everything Town Manager Eldridge proposes. No matter how inappropriate, unnecessary, useless and expensive ! ! ! ! !  
You have been forewarned, many times over.
Call your councilors! ! ! !
Tell them they need to cut spending! ! ! ! ! 
Cut the budget! ! ! ! ! !
Less income +  more spending = higher taxes.
                  Don't believe it?
Wait until you get your tax bill in August! ! ! ! ! !
Doesn't anybody have any DIGNITY, ETHICS or MORAL CHARACTER left in this Town anymore????
Dot Fitzgerald
A Very Concerned Lisbon citizen.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

It Is Not Water Over The Dam Anymore With Lisbon's Leaders


As most of you are aware, the Town Council is elected by the people of Lisbon. This council has clearly demonstrated it is controlled by one councilor, Bowie. What most of you may not know is that Bowie is controlled by Brooks. The council (Bowie) selects individuals to fill different panels and committees. These panels and committee are made up of ONLY “YES” men and women loyal to Brooks and Bowie. This has been demonstrated on numerous occasions, some of which are outlined below:

Let’s start off with Councilor Gina Mason and her husband Rick. Gina took office and signed an oath to obey the Constitution, Maine laws and more important the town ordinances. At the time she signed this oath Rick Mason was operating a business out of their residence in a Rural Open Space District. This was a violation of town Zoning Ordinances. 

In an attempt to correct this situation Rick Mason submitted to the Planning Board an Application for Conditional Use siting 70-353-3-G as the reference. Section 70-353-3-G states and I quote “Temporary construction, excavating, fabrication or processing.” The Planning Board approved this request on March 11, 2011 without setting an expiration date for this temporary condition. Without an expiration date, this action is permanent.

When questioned about this exception to the zoning ordinance, Mr. Potvin stated the Planning Board is not required to establish an expiration date because this provision does not have temporary in front of excavating. The entire exception is temporary because it states “OR” at the end meaning, all of these conditions are temporary. 

However, because a Councilor was involved the Planning Board looked the other way in order to justify their decision. There is no way the Planning Board will ever admit to violating their own rules to accommodate a Councilor.

Now let’s discuss the latest screw-up by the Planning Board. After over three years of debate and word changes the Town Council finally approved the Wellhead Protection Ordinance. This critical document details requirements to protect the Town of Lisbon's water supply. 

 The Wellhead Protection Ordinance was reviewed and approved by this very Planning Board. Last month there was a proposal before the Planning Board to establish an emergency access road through Zone 1 of the Wellhead Protection Ordinance. This is a clear violation of the Wellhead Protection Ordinance and Paul Adams, Water Department Director, pointed this violation out to the Planning Board in a Public Hearing. 

This is the first challenge to the Wellhead Protection Ordinance since it was enacted and what does the Planning Board do; but to vote to violate the Wellhead Protection Ordinance. Many thanks to the individuals who proposed the emergency access for getting with the Water Department and providing an acceptable work around to safeguard the town’s water supply.

These acts are in violation of our ordinances which these individuals are entrusted to protect. However, instead of performing their duties in the best interest of the Town of Lisbon; these individuals do what they are told to do. The Planning Board has demonstrated they are “YES” men and will do anything regardless if it is in violation of town ordinances or not.

Why do we have ordinances if our leadership is not going to enforce them?

Where is the leadership in the Town of Lisbon?

Larry Fillmore
Concerned Citizen

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Another victory achieved in fight against water fluoridation (and other news)‏

Water fluoridation is one of the greatest cons ever perpetrated against society (it's actually not natural fluoride they use but a toxic waste byproduct of the phosphate mining industry).
But victories are being achieved almost every week as town after town announces the halting of water fluoridation.
Now, a civil rights group has announced it openly opposes artificial water fluoridation:

Today's Feature Stories:

Civil rights group adopts resolution opposing water fluoridation
(NaturalNews) The days of artificial water fluoridation truly are numbered, and this has been made even more evident by yet another prominent group that has come out in strong opposition to the heinous practice. The Fluoride Action Network (FAN), a truth...
Uncovered emails reveal Obama administration knew Solyndra was risky, lied to public
(NaturalNews) The legitimacy of the Obama administration's green energy initiatives has been called into serious question after California-based solar technology company Solyndra, which received more than $535 million in taxpayer-funded loans, went belly...
Another mass die-off: Millions of fish found dead in China
(NaturalNews) Two days before the massive 9.0+ magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Japan, millions of dead fish were found mysteriously blanketing waters at King Harbor Marina in Redondo Beach, Calif. (
Discover an obscure, inexpensive, easy to use tasty superfood - arugula
(NaturalNews) There is another cancer preventing cruciferous vegetable that few know about. It is perfect for salads or pesto. Uncooked, the nutrients and enzymes are preserved. It's a green called arugula. Arugula's health benefits exceed most...
Learn the secrets of sustained, vibrant health in Dr. Joel Fuhrman's new book 'Super Immunity'
(NaturalNews) Individuals who constantly worry about "catching" whatever new illness is going around from their coworkers or family members, or who become sick so often themselves that they routinely have to rely on conventional medicine just to survive...
Natural Infection Control
(NaturalNews) It is time again for the World Health Organization and organized medicine to start scaring us again with both the bird flu and new forms of influenza. Whether these are real or just imagined threats conjured up to scare people there are...
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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Lisbon's Talentless Town Council meeting last night


Last night was extremely entertaining. The Town Council (Bowie’s Puppets) was better than usual. The evening started off with a meeting with the Water Department. The meeting produced some interesting facts and projects the town needs to be concerned about in the future. It also brought out the fact the Wellhead Protection Ordnance was still in the hands of the Town Attorney. In fact, this critical document has been in the hands of the Town Attorney between two (2) and three (3) years.

The Town of Lisbon is paying for a Chief Administrative Officer (Stephen Eldridge) and part of his duties is to ensure documents are suspense/tracked to make sure such documents are presented to the Town Council in a timely manner. A timely manner is NOT two or three years. The Wellhead Protection Ordnance is extremely critical to for the protection of the Town water supply. This ordnance MUST be in place prior to any changes to the Lisbon Comprehensive Plan because it has a direct impact on future projects. The Town Attorney works for the Town of Lisbon and is hired by the Town Manager so why can the Town Manager not require the Town Attorney to provide his reading on a document in a timely manner. It’s because the Chief Administrative Officer for the Town of Lisbon is incompetent.

Instead of concentrating on important issues such as the Wellhead Protection Ordnance, the Town Manager asked the Town Council, last night for Disposition on two pieces of property. The first piece supposedly is owned by the Town of Lisbon but a review by the Lisbon Assessing office revealed the property was owned by a couple according to the Town of Lisbon computer system (TRIO). I asked the question; “What date did the town obtain the property?” and the Town Manager could not provide this information. I explained to the Council I had gone to the town office and researched the property and what the computer results were. I further explained to the Town Council I had requested and received on the 28th of April 2011 a total listing of all property owned by the town and these two pieces of property were not on the listing. This request was under the Maine Freedom of Information Access Act (FOAA). This means the Town of Lisbon provided me false information. Councilor Bowie tried to defend the findings but there is no justification for incompetence. The taxpayer’s have a right to receive accurate information from the town. This is the overall responsibility of the Chief Administrative Officer, Stephen Eldridge.

The second piece of property, the Town Manager admitted was NOT owned by the town, at this time, so why even bring it up except to cover-up his incompetence. Why add additional items to the agenda? I believe the Town of Lisbon has more critical issues than to bring up issues which may occur in the near future. What about the Wellhead Protection Ordnance? Come on Town Manager, concentrate on monitoring and addressing actions necessary to move this town forward.

Mr. Eldridge, start addressing issues such as why the Town of Lisbon took down the assessing information on the town web site. Was it because Mrs. Fitzgerald showed the council where the valuation was not being applied equally? There was nothing wrong with the software program, in fact, it works perfectly. I believe the reason it was taken down was because it revealed too much information to the residents. Leaving the program up would have assisted the Assessing Department in finding other discrepancies. This program needs to be IMMEDIATELY put back on the web site.

The Town Council needs to stop making excuses for the Town Manager and hold him accountable. Residents of this town deserve to have a responsible leader as the Town Manager and not one who violates the Town Charter, provide inaccurate information to the residents and most of all can NOT concentrate on issues critical to the town.

Larry A. Fillmore
Concerned Citizen

Monday, May 16, 2011

Lisbon Town Council Agenda for May 17

TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011
6:00 P.M.


___Councilor Bickford
___ Councilor Bowie
___ Councilor Cote
___ Councilor Larochelle
___Councilor Lunt
___ Councilor Mason
___ Councilor Pomelow

Town Clerk reading of meeting rules


2011-68 ORDER −
A. Renewal Victualer Licenses
B. Renewal Itinerant Vendor & Victualer’s License for Hogie’s Hot Dogs
C. Renewal 12 Month Mass Gathering Permit
D. Minutes of May 3, 2011

2011-69 ORDER −
D & B Pump Station Pump Replacement

2011-70 ORDER −
Disposition of 46 Frost Hill Avenue

2011-71 ORDER −
Disposition of 385 Lisbon Street

2011-72 ORDER −
Mileage Reimbursement Rate

2011-73 ORDER −
Personnel Policy Amendment Section 90-15.5 Pay Periods

2011-2012 Municipal Budget Adoption

2011-75-91 ORDER −
2011-2012 School Budget Adoption Warrant Articles 1-17

A. Lisbon Emergency Award Presentation
B. Finance Director’s Report
C. Town Manager’s Report





2011-92 ORDER −
To Adjourn

Friday, May 6, 2011

Water, highest and best use of aquifer needs to be considered


I am the first, or maybe the second or third, to stress that the Town of Lisbon needs more viable businesses.

We will possibly be facing a loss of tax revenue next year when the owners of the former Knight Celotex Mill demolish the buildings. We will be collecting taxes on the land only. As it is, most or all of the equipment has been removed with a loss of personal property taxes. The former Worumbo Mill property is still for sale, and awaiting a developer. How many other businesses will be closing and/or leaving due to the poor economy?

Why do I mention this?
I have been a REALTOR since 1979, One of the first things we learn when listing and selling real estate is
                                    "Highest and Best Use". 

The former Dragon property in Lisbon is over a wellhead, . Not too many years ago the city of Lewiston asked if they could connect to our water supply and purchase water from us. It would seen that the Highest and Best use of the former Dragon property would be to develop the water supply, sell water to the City of Lewiston, perhaps even to the Town of Lisbon?

Have you ever drunk Lewiston water?  The taste is so bad I would not drink it when visiting family in Lewiston. Many Lewiston residents do not even drink it.

What better way to develop the former Dragon property than to put it to it's HIGHEST AND BEST USE?

It would create an environmentally friendly business, create green tax income for the Town of Lisbon, and for the owners of the property.

                                               From where I sit, it would be a great opportunity  
                                                                WITH WIN, WIN RESULTS

Dot Fitzgerald
A Very Concerned Lisbon Citizen

More on Lisbon's Water Supply, "It's not just another drop in the bucket..

Lisbon's Water Supply
The facts presented in Mr. Samson's recent letter to the Reporter are correct.  The well head protection ordinance has been sitting around for better than two years and does need to be passed. I have expressed my concerns about the Moody Avenue well protection to local government officials and individuals over the Dragon Pit Property in person and in e-mails. 
I am not standing in the way of the development of the Dragon Pit property.  The town does need the tax revenue.  However, our water resources do need protection through the passage of the proposed well head protection ordinance.  If the Moody Avenue well is contaminated it will cost all residents (due to fire protection) a great deal of money. 
 What can Lisbon residents do?  Talk or call your councilors and urge them to pass the well head protection ordinance as soon as possible to save guard our public water supply. 
If you have further questions attend a water board meeting on the second and fourth Monday of each month, or call me @ 353-2780 or e-mail me at

This is a very serious matter but it is workable once the ordinance has been passed. 

Bill Bauer

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Fluoride How Many Know Anything About It?

 Fortunately, Lisbon Water Department is not listed as a water company utilizing fluoride treatment in the Public water supply.   Please correct  us if this is wrong.   Click here for source.  

But for many of the readers your water company may be using it.   Click here to check out your areas.

Another day,
another fraud from corporate "science"

In certain jurisdictions, the criminal-moron-public officials who have been putting fluoride into public water supplies are running out of money to do so.

Eighteen water systems in Alabama alone have stopped the practice.

One small town alone, Red Bay, Alabama, was spending over $50,000 a year adding this known toxin to their water.

Fluoride is a highly toxic industrial by-product that cannot be safely disposed of economically.

So, after WW II, with the help of the good people at the "National Institute of Dental Research" (the "mercury in your mouth is good for you" people), US industry took a page from the Nazis who started the practice with the water supplies of "undesirable" people and manufactured the "science" needed to add it to the US water supplies as a "public service."

The fact that some local governments are giving up on the practice is good news.

On the other hand, maybe Homeland Security will give these little towns grants to put it back in, you know, some economic stimulus to help keep everybody safe.

Thanks to for pointing out that some
towns in America are finally - after over 50 years of protest - turning the fluoride spigot off.