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Friday, March 28, 2014

NaturalNews: Hundreds of Americans die each day from hospital infections‏ plus more

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
The CDC has just released a shocking statistic that says 205 Americans die EACH DAY after being infected with drug-resistant superbugs at U.S. hospitals.
We're talking about nearly 75,000 Americans each year. Is this a plague upon us?

Backlash against NYT's attempt to eliminate vaccine exemptions goes viral:

Simple strawberries can help cure gastritis:

Vegetarian-fed chickens: what's wrong with this warped result of food politics? (Chickens are supposed to eat BUGS too, y'know?)

more news continues below...
Friday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: RSB and Dr. Frank King respond to the 30% rise in autism over the last 2 years as reported by the CDC. Carol Alt returns to talk about the growing acceptance of natural medicine in the mainstream media. Call with your questions at 1-866-939-2355. Listen in at

Today on
- Warning: Your home has become a giant microwave
- What do you think really happened to Flight 370?
- Why cherries are awesome for your health

Has a plague already arrived? 205 Americans die each day after acquiring superbug hospital infections
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New study links endocrine-disrupting chemicals to autistic behavior
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West Virginia inspectors find more chemical storage tanks dangerously close to public drinking water
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Strawberries can help cure gastritis
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Vegetarian-fed chickens - are these bragging rights or just screwed up food politics?
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Judge allows Arizona boy to be treated with marijuana extract
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A parent's response to The New York Time's 'Eliminate Vaccine Exemptions' goes viral
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The Maine Wire: “Pro-abortion group endorses Michaud” plus 5 more‏

Pro-abortion group endorses Michaud
Posted: 27 Mar 2014 11:53 AM PDT
Abortion advocates with NARAL Pro-Choice America on Wednesday announced its endorsement of U.S. Rep. Michael Michaud’s gubernatorial campaign. Michaud, a Democrat, developed a pro-life reputation while representing the more conservative voters of northern Maine, but he earned the support of the pro-abortion super PAC as the result of his “evolution” on public policies regarding the […]
Robinson talks welfare reform with Howie Carr
Posted: 27 Mar 2014 09:35 AM PDT
Maine Wire Editor Steve Robinson joined Howie Carr on Wednesday to talk about Republican Gov. Paul LePage’s welfare reform bills. Robinson told Carr: “There’s no limit to the imagination of liberals when it comes to figuring out how welfare reform will hurt people.”
Bucklin: Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth
Posted: 27 Mar 2014 08:32 AM PDT
Last November, South Portland voters defeated the “Waterfront Protection Ordinance,” which aimed to stop the reversal of a pipeline that will carry Canadian tar sands oil from Montreal to South Portland harbor.  In response, defying voters, the city council passed a 6 month moratorium, and the debate continues.  If not for the actions of the […]
Frary: Jesus Christ in the Maine State House
Posted: 27 Mar 2014 08:22 AM PDT
Jesus wants Maine’s House of Representatives to expand Mainecare coverage. We know this because. Diane Russell (D-Portland) mounted her pulpit last week to preach the gospel according to Mathew 25-31-46. She prophesied salvation and eternal bliss for some of her colleagues; the fiery pit and eternal torment for others. More explicitly, she assigned places in […]
Lockman: Let’s Not Poison the Well of Civil Discourse in Augusta
Posted: 27 Mar 2014 08:12 AM PDT
The following op-ed originally appeared in the the Downeast Coastal Press, a weekly newspaper based in Cutler, Maine. By Rep. Larry Lockman By the time this column appears in print, the 126th Maine Legislature of 2013-2014 will be in the home stretch toward statutory adjournment on April 16. It’s crunch time in Augusta. The House […]
Maine Democrats gut welfare reform
Posted: 27 Mar 2014 08:01 AM PDT
AUGUSTA – Democrats on the Health and Human Services Committee gutted two of Republican Gov. Paul LePage’s welfare reform proposals on Wednesday, voting against two of the bills and turning two others into study resolves. “It is incomprehensible that Democrats on the Health and Human Services Committee would vote to reject these common-sense proposals,” LePage […]


MARTIAL LAW drills across the country, liberties being stripped away daily, the increasing biometric presence, police brutality.

GOPDD: World Leaders Wear Pyramids, Illuminati Symbolism at Nuclear Summit

by Rick Wells

Paul Joseph Watson offers this video documenting the strange appearance and symbolism of many components of the Nuclear Security Summit just held in The Hague, Netherlands. In what appears to be an adherence to the methodology of hiding in plain sight, most of the 58 world leaders in attendance wore pyramid-shaped lapel pins. There was […]

 World leaders at this week's Nuclear Security Summit wore bizarre illuminati pyramid lapel pins while gathered around a giant eye with a floating holographic pyramid suspended above.

MAKIN ISLAND -- A beautiful remembrance--

  Makin Island

A true story  about 19 marines killed on an island (defending against the Japanese).

They had to retreat, so asked the islanders to please bury them for us.
Years later, a man was found who had been a teenager then and remembered where they were buried.

They sent a C-130 and an honor guard over there and found  all 19 had been buried with their helmets on, their rifles in their hands, in perfect condition. The islanders had really done a wonderful job.

As they were  loading the bodies, a voice from out of nowhere started singing "The Marine Hymn"..........gave everyone goose bumps. It turns out that the voice was from a man who spoke no English but remembered a song the Marines taught him when they landed.

They got all 19 and their photos are at the end.

 True story of the recovery of 19 US Marines Killed in Action on Makin Island in WWII and their return home to Arlington National Cemetery 58 years later. Story: Pat Mendoza. Music arranged by Pat Mendoza Trumpet: Steve Wiest. Singers: the Islanders and Pat Mendoza
For information on the one hour video contact

Submitted by: "Friends who care"

Thursday, March 27, 2014

WND EXCLUSIVE Wave of lawmaker arrests: They're all Democrats

Establishment media shy about reporting party

 Kathy Shaidle

 More than a dozen recent cases of criminal charges or investigations against elected officials, including a rash of arrests in just the past couple of days, have one major thing in common.
They’re all Democrats, and, in many instances, establishment media seems loath to report that fact.
On his nationally syndicated radio show today, Rush Limbaugh recounted a number of the cases, including the gun-trafficking charges brought today against California state Sen. Leland Yee.
Limbaugh pointed out that Yee “was among the most vocal anti-Second Amendment Democrats in the country.”
“This guy wanted to eliminate it. He didn’t want you to have any guns, and here he is indicted for trafficking in military grade weapons,” Limbaugh said.
Limbaugh recalled that in 2011, Yee unsuccessfully tried to organize a boycott of his show after he mocked the president of China.
Yee is the third Democratic California state senator recently tied to corruption charges. Earlier this year, Ron Calderon was indicted for bribery and Roderick Wright was convicted of perjury and voter fraud.
“Folks, the FBI is up to something,” said Limbaugh. “The FBI is raiding and arresting Democrats all over this country. You know, it’s incredible.”
The new Democratic mayor of Charlotte, N.C., Patrick Cannon, was arrested Wednesday by the FBI   and accused of accepting tens of thousands of dollars in bribes.
A historian told the Charlotte Observer that “such corruption charges are unprecedented in the city’s history.” The paper described the FBI investigation into Cannon’s activities as “an ‘American Hustle’-type operation.”
Cannon faces up to 50 years in prison and $1.5 million in fines if convicted on all charges.
Ray Nagin, the controversial mayor of New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina, was recently found guilty on 20 counts of accepting bribes and other charges.
Other former Democratic mayors charged with or convicted of serious crimes include Tony Mack of Trenton, N.J.; San Diego’s Bob Filner, Kwame Kilpatrick of Detroit and Larry Langford of Birmingham, Ala.
Meanwhile, the offices of Democratic New York state Assemblyman William Scarborough were raided Wednesday  , and Democratic state Sens. John Sampson and Malcolm Smith were indicted on federal corruption charges.
In Rhode Island, House Speaker Gordon Fox resigned after his office was raided this week   as part of a joint investigation of the IRS, the FBI, the U.S. attorney’s office and state police.
Busy FBI
Limbaugh said he was fascinated by “all this FBI stuff.”
“These investigations that they’ve been engaged in have been going on for years,” he observed.
“It’s like they’ve been doing this for years under the cover of darkness and everything else in a way that is perhaps saving the country.”
Limbaugh speculated that the Democratic Party itself was behind this rash of stings in order to “take out all their bad apples before the next election.”
He asked: “It really is hard to believe that the FBI would be working against the wishes of the [Obama] regime, isn’t it?”
The radio host played an audio montage of establishment reports on the arrests in which none of the reporters mentioned that the accused were members of the Democratic Party.


More than a dozen recent cases of criminal charges or investigations against elected officials, including a rash of arrests in just the past couple of days, have one major thing in common.
They’re all Democrats, and, in many instances, establishment media seems loath to report that fact.
On his nationally syndicated radio show today, Rush Limbaugh recounted a number of the cases, including the gun-trafficking charges brought today against California state Sen. Leland Yee.
Limbaugh pointed out that Yee “was among the most vocal anti-Second Amendment Democrats in the country.”
“This guy wanted to eliminate it. He didn’t want you to have any guns, and here he is indicted for trafficking in military grade weapons,” Limbaugh said.
Limbaugh recalled that in 2011, Yee unsuccessfully tried to organize a boycott of his show after he mocked the president of China.
Yee is the third Democratic California state senator recently tied to corruption charges. Earlier this year, Ron Calderon was indicted for bribery and Roderick Wright was convicted of perjury and voter fraud.
“Folks, the FBI is up to something,” said Limbaugh. “The FBI is raiding and arresting Democrats all over this country. You know, it’s incredible.”
The new Democratic mayor of Charlotte, N.C., Patrick Cannon, was arrested Wednesday by the FBI and accused of accepting tens of thousands of dollars in bribes.
A historian told the Charlotte Observer that “such corruption charges are unprecedented in the city’s history.” The paper described the FBI investigation into Cannon’s activities as “an ‘American Hustle’-type operation.”
Cannon faces up to 50 years in prison and $1.5 million in fines if convicted on all charges.
Ray Nagin, the controversial mayor of New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina, was recently found guilty on 20 counts of accepting bribes and other charges.
Other former Democratic mayors charged with or convicted of serious crimes include Tony Mack of Trenton, N.J.; San Diego’s Bob Filner, Kwame Kilpatrick of Detroit and Larry Langford of Birmingham, Ala.
Meanwhile, the offices of Democratic New York state Assemblyman William Scarborough were raided Wednesday, and Democratic state Sens. John Sampson and Malcolm Smith were indicted on federal corruption charges.
In Rhode Island, House Speaker Gordon Fox resigned after his office was raided this week as part of a joint investigation of the IRS, the FBI, the U.S. attorney’s office and state police.
Busy FBI
Limbaugh said he was fascinated by “all this FBI stuff.”
“These investigations that they’ve been engaged in have been going on for years,” he observed.
“It’s like they’ve been doing this for years under the cover of darkness and everything else in a way that is perhaps saving the country.”
Limbaugh speculated that the Democratic Party itself was behind this rash of stings in order to “take out all their bad apples before the next election.”
He asked: “It really is hard to believe that the FBI would be working against the wishes of the [Obama] regime, isn’t it?”
The radio host played an audio montage of establishment reports on the arrests in which none of the reporters mentioned that the accused were members of the Democratic Party.


RedFlagNews: New Report: IRS Tea Party Targeting Leads Directly to Obama...

(by Kris Zane, WCJ) -- According to a new report issued by the congressional Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, it was high-level IRS staffers based in Washington and not “rogue” IRS agents in Cincinnati that targeted Tea Party groups. According to dozens of emails released by the report, Lois Lerner and literally dozens of upper level employees of the IRS not only knew about the targeting of conservative groups, but directed it. Lerner, in one email, even went so far as to call Tea Party groups “very dangerous.”

 Video produced by Produced, written, and edited by Kris Zane. Narrated by Tom Hinchey

In other words, the targeting of Tea Party groups was orchestrated from Washington—literally a walking distance from the Oval Office.
Are we to believe Obama was not involved—being only steps away—when he repeatedly criticized the Tea Party, identifying them as his enemies, calling them Tea Baggers?
But here is the key to the coverup:
Obama directed the IRS to attack the Tea Party in order to affect the 2012 election. More than likely, if the Tea Party had not been weakened, Barack Hussein Obama would not be President of the United States today.

Submitted by: Todd Comber

Dear Anonymous

To Anonymous:

I may be old but I am not dead.

I began attending town meetings before you were a pup.

I cared about my community then, and I still care.

I hope to leave Lisbon a better place than it is now.


I remember when Lisbon and Lisbon Falls were thriving.

People shopped in town, because there were stores to shop in.

Our streets were in good shape.

Our town was in good shape financially.


Fast forward to today!


We are spending $20,000 a year for a Town Planner,

working on a Route 196 Master Plan and Design Standards 

with the hope that it will entice new business to town.


If you had attended the Tuesday March 25 Town Council

and Budget meeting you would have heard Interim Town Manager Dale Olmsted say that we need to put more money into our roads.


He said that when someone is wanting to start or relocate their business, 
the first thing they look at is a town's roads and infrastructure.

Have you driven our roads lately?

Great aren't they?


For our Police Department, we are spending $1,018,154.00,

One Million, Eighteen Thousand, One Hundred Fifty Four Dollars.

That is 24.1% of our total municipal budget! ! ! ! 


With not much left over for our roads. 


I own property in Lisbon. I pay real estate taxes, water and sewer bills.

That, along with the right to free speech, gives me the right to voice my opinions.


And I am not afraid to sign my name to what I write.




Dot Fitzgerald

A Very Concerned Lisbon Citizen



This is the recap of Tuesday night’s Town Council meeting.  It started off with the Interim Town Manager briefing everyone on the negotiations with the insurance company pertaining to the fire at the Public Works building.

Truck – The town and insurance company have reached an agreement on compensation for the burned truck.  The insurance will pay $48,000.00 to the town and the town will keep the burned truck.  There are parts on the truck that were not damaged by the fire and the town can reuse them.  It will cost the taxpayers an additional $25,000.00 – 30,000.00 for the purchase of a new truck.

Building – There is no final agreement between the town and the insurance company but the insurance has offered $300,000.00 for the repair of the building.  The insurance company is also going to pay three months rental.  Currently, the town is paying $4,500.00 a month to Longchamps & Sons, Inc. for rental space.  The Town council will have to make a decision as to how to proceed forward from this point.  Mr. Olmstead presented four options to the council.  This will be added to next week’s agenda for more discussion and hopefully a decision.

The Council spent over 2 hours going over the four parts of the Public Works budget with Ryan Leighton.  These four are Town Engineer, Public Works Department, Winter Public Works and finally Solid Waste Department.

This was followed by the Parks Department budget with Verla Brooks, Park Ranger; then Mark Stevens with the Recreational budget.  These two budgets took less than a half hour. 

I personally believe there are three budgets that should be left alone.  They are the Recreational and Parks budget because they generate revenue for the town and they provide various services to all ages from Senior Citizens to the very young.  These two department heads never ask for anything that is not necessary.

The other department is the Library.  The Library has the Job Program and many many more programs for all ages.  Their summer reading program is excellent for our young people especially since the town closed the teen center.  The town does not provide any place for our teenagers to go for the past few years.  At least, these three departments provide some relief for our young people.

Larry Fillmore

Editor's Note:  It is unconscionable to see such a display of unprofessional decorum by the reigning council chairman for not have taken the initiative to provide a microphone for the interim Town Manager to use so that the taxpayers sitting at home watching could hear what is being said.  

GreatFallsTV: Lisbon Town Council Workshop March 25, 2014

Thank You Coach Stevens!; Times Record: End of an era for Mark Stevens

MARK STEVENS poses with four of the seven state wrestling championship trophies at Lisbon High School. After 22 years leading the ’Hounds, Stevens has decided to step away from the sport that has been a major part of his life. BOB CONN / THE TIMES RECORD

The Times Record


When Mark Stevens was in high school, he faced a dilemma. 
He was preparing for the state high school wrestling championships, and the Lisbon student/athlete weighed 140 pounds on Monday, just five days before his shot at glory. 

Greyhounds coach Bob Donelan didn’t agree that Stevens was working to lose the weight, as the senior wanted to make the 126-pound division. 
Lots of running and a lack of food, combined with a never-ending determination worked for Stevens, as he lost the pounds and then defeated Mt. Blue rival Ralph McArthur, 6-4, in the 126-pound title match to capture the state championship. The year was 1982.

A photo published in The Times Record taken by longtime sports editor Dave Bourque showed an exhausted Stevens being congratulated by Mt. Ararat coach Dennis Bishop, and an article by Bourque a few days later had this quote from Mark ... “my attitude was so different Saturday. I was never that confident.”

Fast-forward 32 years, and Stevens, who led Lisbon to seven state titles as the Greyhounds’ coach, is leaving the sport that he has loved, left, came back to and endured in. 

Early days

When Mark finished his high school wrestling career, he was quite happy to leave the sport behind. He was burned out and was off to serve in the U.S. Air Force. But, soon wrestling was again a big part of his life. 

“They wanted to have a wrestling team, and I started again. I was cutting weight again and got back into it.”

Portland Press-Herald sports columnist Steve Solloway caught up with Mark and his brother Rocky as they competed in the Air Force, with Mark telling Steve, “We’re kind of the underdogs when we wrestle.”

When Mark’s time in the Air Force ended, he returned home, but still wrestled in open tournaments at Hyde School in Bath. Mark was on the mat the day before his first child was born. 

“In the hospital I have a picture of me holding her with a black eye on my face.”

Coaching, something Mark never considered, came about in 1992 when the Lisbon athletic director asked him to begin a middle school program at Sugg Middle School. He was assisted by Bob Earle, and soon the duo turned the Greyhounds into a force to be reckoned with. 

“At the middle school, we had 60 kids, so Bob and I ran two sessions with 30 kids each. They had some uniforms that they pulled out of a box. I didn’t know what I was doing. I knew how to wrestle, but knew that it took a lot more.” 

“I coached Mark when he was young in football,” remembered Earle. “I walked into Sugg years later and he was conducting a practice, and my youngest son was there. I offered to help, and watching Mark, he was just so dynamic. He impressed me. I coached with Mark for 11 years, and I owe a lot to him. It was a great honor.”

Coaching was difficult for Mark at first. So he turned to his wife, Gretchen, for some advice. 

 I asked my wife, ‘what if they don’t want to listen to me?’ She gave me some really good instructions. ‘You have to have structure, a plan, and have your plan incorporate repetition.’

Mark’s chance to move to the high school came in 1996, and the rest, as the saying goes, is history. 

“Bob strongly encouraged the athletic director to post the position, with the middle school kids heading to the high school program after a lot of success. The job opened up, and I applied and got the job.”

In 1998, Mark remembers taking his young Greyhounds to Rumford to face Mountain Valley, coached by Jerry Perkins. 

“The huge light was lowered over the big falcon displayed centered on the wrestling mat. The Mountain Valley team passed around the rally stick and pounded the mat with their hands. This was all very intimidating to my young, inexperienced Lisbon wrestlers. We lost that match, but as we were leaving, coach Perkins said to me, ‘Mark, your wrestlers have good handshakes.’ 

“At first, I wondered if I should have been offended, but after a year or two, I realized what he meant. Later his assistant admitted our Lisbon wrestlers would be coming to Rumford and beating them on their mat in just a matter of time. It came true faster than anyone from Lisbon imagined.”

Mark soon had Lisbon pointed in the right direction, culminating in winning the State Class C championship in 2001. Mark remembers a speech he gave to his team the night before the state championship, a speech he has repeated every year since. 

“I told the kids to expect the unexpected. ‘You have trained hard, you’ve mentally prepared and physically prepared, but there will something that spins your world in the other direction.’ 

“I used an example of one of my studs, Derek Giusto, who later went on to be a three-time state champion. That year Derek had already beaten the Class A, B and C champ and was on fire, and I said ‘what if Derek goes out there and gets pinned, what will that do to the rest of you guys?’ 

“Derek went into the finals having already beaten his opponent 10-0 earlier in the season, and was leading 5-0, but got spun onto his back and pinned in the first period of the state finals, the first year it was held at the Augusta Civic Center. Derek had class, shook the kid’s hand and walked right out of the gym to collect himself. He never showed emotion.”

Mark remembers talking to the Dexter coach during that same meet. Dexter had won the state title three years in a row, and was a favorite to make it four. 

“The Dexter coach said his team was really looking toward New Englands, and that the state title wasn’t important, and being a young coach I said to myself that ‘I will never take winning a state title for granted.’ I know teams do that, but it is too important. It is not just about winning, but what it means about blood, sweat and tears.”

Clinching win

“I didn’t know how to keep score then, and the Dexter coach later came over after a win and told me ‘you have just won the state title.’ I didn’t believe him until they announced it after the event. The next year, I learned how to keep score.” 

State titles continued to come, with Lisbon taking the top prize in Class C in both 2002 and 2003.

Mark began coaching field hockey in the fall, as daughters Amanda and MaKayla made their way through high school. 

But, in the winter it was back to the mat, and Mark had his team on a roll again, with state titles for the Greyhounds coming in 2006, followed by three consecutive titles from 2008-10. There were great champions in the 2000s, names like Forest Cornell, Giusto, Mike McNamara, Marcus Bubar, Cameron Bubar, Mike McManus, Nate Hix and Will Vice, but Mark also remembers those who came up just a bit short in reaching their goal. 

“We have been inspired by many of my wrestlers who have come up short but still prepared their best. Ian McKeag, Josh Adams, Art Stambach and Tyler Bard just to name a few, wrestlers who never stood on the top podium at the state tournament, but trained harder than most. They inspired us as all of them displayed class at all times.” 

Mark felt that a turnaround at Lisbon came with the hiring of athletic director Jeff Ramich in 2002. 

“Jeff put together a schedule that was second to none. Our kids were wrestling a Class A schedule. Iron sharpens iron, and those who survive will be tough come February. We went to Vermont, the Noble Tournament, Spartan Tournament, Kennebunk Duals. We were the only Class C school in these invitational tournaments and we were always welcomed. I looked at these kids and said to myself, ‘they are the best in the state, not just in Class C.’”

There was a moment when Mark nearly walked away from the sport. He recalled a family drive that changed his mind. 

“After the 2003 season I was talking with Gretchen about retiring as we were traveling in the car. A voice from the back seat came from my 7-year-old son Zachary, as he asked, ‘Dad why would you want to get done coaching? It’s the only thing you’re good at.’  We had a laugh, well Gretchen did anyway. Wrestling was a way of life. It became my identity. I am thankful that I didn’t retire that year as the next 10 years have been unforgettable.”

A lasting image for Mark appears on his laptop computer. In Zach’s final match for Lisbon, the senior won his third state title. He rose from his feet and gave his dad a big hug, with tears filling their eyes. 

“When he was a sophomore, after he won he jumped into my arms, and that was 120 pounds. I said, ‘now you’re a lot bigger, and what will happen if you jump up into my arms again?’ We decided we were going to high-five, and I went to high-five him, but he said no and we hugged. It was more of a relief for him. His goal was a state title, and he wanted it. He did it well and I am proud of him.
“The greatest title anyone can have is being a dad. When I look back at my life, the greatest thing is being a dad and having the chance to coach all three of them.”

Mark quickly changed gears and reflected on his final team’s successes this year.   

“There were other kids that won that day. JD Martin had a come-from-behind upset with a pin in the final nine seconds, with all of us going nuts. It was about our team. We wrestled great with nine kids on the team, and we finished third. I felt like we had won the state title. Three had never wrestled before in their life. I was happy with the way the season ended.” 

Mark has a long list of fellow coaches, volunteers, assistant coaches and parents to thank. 

“I have been fortunate to have learned from some of the best coaches in the history of Maine wrestling. My high school coach Bob Donelen, and several great coaches including Dennis Bishop, Jerry Perkins and the late Gary Kent. I have learned every step of the way, from my wrestlers, to my assistant coaches and coaches from other teams. 

“Anyone who knows anything about building a team like Lisbon wrestling will tell you that it takes a community, not just one person. Bob Earle and Ted Albasini both have been coaching with me for over 10 years. Bob retired in 2007 shortly after being selected as National Assistant Coach of the Year for USA Wrestling Magazine. I have a lifetime of gratitude to give to Bob and Ted. Bob was a life cheerleader, always making me feel like I am doing the right thing. When I would make a decision that was not the right one, he would gently say, ‘coach you sure you want to do that?’ Bob was a hero to me and I would not have had the opportunities over the years if it was not for him leading me to be a better coach. 

“Ted also has been one of the most selfless, committed and honest men I have known. He is a role model and incredible man. When he speaks, our athletes hold on to every word. He had as much to do with building champions on the mat year-in and year-out since he came back to Lisbon in 2002.”

And about the kids he coached along the way and some of the changes he hopes to see in the future in regards to Maine wrestling ...

“You have to love your kids and be willing to have them learn about the value of themselves. At the end of the day, I worked with a team of guys that helped kids to realize their potential, maybe prepared them for the challenges in their lives. I am so close to many of my alumni, and that is the value that I have given and received. We took a team of people and didn’t expect it. I never took it for granted because it won’t last forever.

“Wrestling in Maine is in a transition. I see them combining classes, the end of the three-class system, and creating some co-op teams like in hockey. I have heard through the rumor mill that Massachusetts and New York have allowed seventh and eighth-graders to wrestle in high school. You want to build up the programs. The more internal competition you have on a team, the better the team.”

As is Mark’s way, he passed the credit to those who supported him. 
“I had some great help. It is not a one-man show. Even the dynasty that we had, it took a family of coaches, wrestlers, their parents and grandparents, and the community. 

“We taught our wrestlers good handshakes, character, with the cornerstones of wrestling being respect. The winning became a by-product of what we were doing in practice and it seemed to be a good recipe. 

“One of the things I pride myself in was whether you win or lose, you shouldn’t have an expression on your face that showed anyone any different. Kids don’t get that these days. If you have a tough battle and won, don’t show that until you are on the bus. If you lost because the kid was better than you and trained harder, keep your head high, same exact handshake, get on the bus and if you have to cry, cry. Just have honor and respect.”

In conclusion ...

“What Lisbon wrestlers have accomplished in the past 17  years has been truly amazing. The trophies are nice, but nothing compared to the unforgettable memories and experiences we shared. Those wrestlers, parents and coaches who have been a part of this journey have some great stories to tell. It would be more of a series of books once all these stories were told. The relationships that have been built, and the life lessons that have been learned through the experiences the past two decades are priceless. It was always about building ‘champion kids’ not just champion wrestlers.”  

“He has a way of bonding with his men and women,” said Earle. 

“He is a special human being. Mark prided himself in doing well when he coached at the middle school and continued that in high school. The kids bought in and believed in him. His kids, and myself, would go through a wall for Mark. Lisbon wrestling is Mark Stevens!”

BOB CONN is the Times Record assistant sports editor. He can be reached at

Posted in its entirety with permission.