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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Recap Town Council Meeting - June 3rd, 2014


At last night’s Town Council meeting, it was a very quick meeting.  There were not a lot of agenda items but a lot of appointments.

Consent Agenda – The Council voted 7-0 to approve the Itinerant Vendor permits for both Adria Groh and Rock Dawg’s LLC.

Under Council Orders, Resolutions & Ordinances the Council voted 7-0 to write off seven (7) mobile home permits totaling $2,794.39.  These mobile homes are no longer within the boundaries of Lisbon.  The Council also voted 7-0 to write off $9,368.80 of Personal Property because the town has exhausted all effort to collect this debt.

Under Other Business – The Finance Director provided a briefing on the Revenue and Expenses for the month of May.  Also, Mr. David Bowie was appointed Chairman of the Ethics Committee by Chairwoman Ward.

Under New Business – There was a discussion about the Public Works Garage and Mr. Olmstead provided a new brochure that is being used to explain the options.  I have included this brochure.

Also, Mr. Randy Smith, a resident of the town was awarded “Chef of the Year” by the American Culinary Federation.  This is not the first time Mr. Smith has received this award.  Most of you may not know who Randy Smith is but you might know him better as “Pinky D’s” food truck.  Congratulation, Randy!!!

Under Appointment – The following individuals were appointed:

Jessica Meakin – Library Governing Board
David Bowie – Ethic Panel
Thomas Whitney – Ethic Panel
Janet Tuttle – Appeals Board
Planning Board – Dan Nezol
Planning Board – Richard Long
Assessment Review Board – Richard Long
Civil Constable – Harry Darling and Harry Gorman

Also Richard Long resigned from the Appeal Board.

Larry Fillmore

Not Politically Correct But Heart Felt: GOPDD: Sgt. Bowe and Barack Are Why America Is No Longer Respected

Why So Long, Why No Accountablility, They Must All Be Corrupt, The "New" American Way? WeidneerLaw: BOMBSHELL- The Secret Lawsuit Has Finally Been Revealed- Your Mortgage Documents Are Fake (And Your Foreclosure Is a Fraud!)

The enormity of the crimes that have been committed against defendants in foreclosure cases is easy for much of society to ignore.  Those who are defendants in foreclosure cases are, after all, those who deserve to suffer the consequences of failed generations of economic policy.  Those who are defendants in foreclosure cases are, after all, the people that deserve scorn and disgust and contempt because they chose to live in a country that gave away their jobs, their industry, their future.
But far worse than the crimes and the consequences for the millions of Americans that are victims of the largest organized crime spree in the history of mankind is the fact that in order to accomplish this crime spree the criminals and their counterparts destroyed our nation’s civil legal system.
Make no mistake, the “foreclosure crisis” as it has played out, and as it continues to play out all across this country is a complex and interconnected series of state sponsored crimes.  The crimes began when the loans were made, continued when the loans were sold to investors, continued when mortgage payments were loaded onto the international PONZI scheme that is mortgage securitization, then really ramped up when the criminals continued their crime sprees in state and federal courts all across this country.
The crime spree called foreclosure that continues to play out in homes and neighborhoods all across this country could not have occurred if our courts did not agree to become partners in the crime spree.
Our nation’s court system is in fact desecrated, destroyed, a crumbled heap of what it once was.  We were a nation of laws.  America was a nation that was governed, ultimately, by judges and a legal system that served a larger societal and historical purpose.  At one point in time, judges and our nation’s court system recognized that the function of the court system was to protect The People and The Nation from the out of control evil and corporate interests that brought us all robo signing and foreclosure fraud and LIBOR rigging and HSBC money laundering and everything that is our national banking system.
To this day, banks foreclose on borrowers using fraudulent mortgage assignments, a legacy of failing to prosecute this conduct and instead letting banks pay a fine to settle it. This disappoints Szymoniak, who told Salon the owner of these loans is now essentially “whoever lies the most convincingly and whoever gets the benefit of doubt from the judge.

Read More

Submitted by: 'Roger T.'

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Exclusive ***HOT NEWS*** Obama Appoints New White House Spokesman

Submitted by: 'Gordie'

NaturalNews: World Bank Warns About Rising Food Prices And Global Riots‏ Plus More

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Food supplies are threatened globally, and now the World Bank has warned about spiking food prices and food riots that may be unleashed.
Learn why food is about to become more expensive and more scarce:

Huh? The public believes solar panels will drain the sun's energy. Then again, most people also believe flu shots protect them from the flu:

Bionic warriors? Pentagon to start treating PTSD with brain implants in soldiers:

Stage III colon cancer cured! Learn how Chris did it:

Here are the top foods that are increasing your risk of cancer:

more breaking news continues below...

Today on
- Seven steps to healthy, affordable grocery shopping
- Are statins right for you?
- Candida and sugar cravings
Much More So Read On.

America Is In BIG Trouble; American Overlook: Former Secret Service Agent’s Warning For America About Obama

Dan Bongino is a former secret service agent who says Obama is taking things way too far and America is in serious trouble.

He appeared on a show talking with Glenn Beck and started off by saying We’re in a lot of trouble. The president sees government — and I think it’s because of his lack of experience, and maybe community organizing in the past — as like this shiny new toy. And for all the disagreements I had with Clinton, Carter, and Bush, there were always limits. There was that line you just didn’t cross — we cross that seemingly every day…”

The most dangerous Barack Obama video ever!!!


Bongino understands that people will have disagreements with the president, but Obama is taking it one step further everyday and fails to listen to what America is telling him they want.

He also noted how there are so many scandals going on in the administration that it is hard to keep track of what Obama is really doing. And these “distractions” can have devastating effects on America.

They also touched on the latest NSA scandals and Bongino says the way the NSA is evolving is very scary. He said “it gets at the roots of what liberty means…That flag means something. It’s undermining the very principles that made this country great.”

Saturday, May 31, 2014

In Lisbon The Question Is Not What Goes On, But What Goes On Behind Closed Doors


For years now, I have been arguing with the previous and present councils that these councilors have been misusing the Executive Session laws.  In the past, I stated the Maine Statue as justification for my beliefs.  However, like all legal mumbo jumbo there is always room for many different interpretations.  Our current Chairwoman was no different.  However, there is now a document coming right from the Maine Municipal Association (MMA) legal services that is in English and clarifies the use of an Executive Session (See Attached).

email from the MMA legal services

VI. Executive Sessions

Another category of legally non-public municipal activity involves matters of discussion during a
public proceeding, which by its nature could cause any party (other than the members of the
municipal board holding the proceeding) injury if publicly disclosed. In order to avoid such an
injury, board members are allowed to go into an executive session to deliberate on those matters
and no others (see 1 MRSA § 405). Strict rules apply to the calling and conduct of executive
sessions by municipal boards (see 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(1)-(5)). Board members should especially note
the following:

Executive sessions may be held only for the limited purpose of the permitted deliberation, and no final action may be taken in executive session.
>  The law requires that a board must first be conducting a properly noticed public meeting
before it goes into executive session.
>  In addition, before a board enters executive session, there must be a public motion to enter
executive session and the motion must be approved by a public recorded vote of at least
3/5ths of the board members present and voting.
The motion to enter executive session must state “the precise nature of the executive session” and must also “include a citation of one or more sources of statutory or other authority that permits an executive session for that business.” (Note that the parties must be named before going into executive session to discuss labor contracts or proposals.) See “Executive Session Motions – A Quick Guide” above for sample motions.
 If the board members wish to approve an action after they have discussed a matter in
executive session, the board must exit the executive session, return to the public meeting, and take any vote or other formal action in the public portion of its meeting.
>  Finally, the purpose of the Right to Know law cannot be defeated through the misuse of
executive session. Action taken or resulting from an executive session in violation of the Right
to Know law is illegal, and upon complaint would be found by a court to be void and

The “Right to Know” Law itself only permits closed-door deliberation on specific subjects listed in the statute (see 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)). (Additionally 36 M.R.S.A. § 841(2) requires that hearings and proceedings related to poverty abatements be held in executive session.) Moreover, the board that meets in executive session bears the burden of establishing the legitimacy of the executive
session if its legality is challenged in court (see Underwood v. City of Presque Isle, 1998 ME 166,
715 A.2d 148). Executive sessions are permitted for the following topics:

1. Personnel matters concerning an individual employee or group of employees, or public officials
and appointees -- but only when public discussion could damage a person’s reputation or, when a
person’s right to privacy would be violated.
NOTE: The individual who is the subject of the executive session may request an open meeting, in
which case the meeting must be open.
2. Real estate and economic development negotiations, but only when premature disclosure
would hurt the town’s competitive or bargaining position.
3. Discussion of labor contracts and proposals between the town and the labor negotiators, but
negotiations may be held openly provided both parties agree.
4. Meetings between the town and its attorney, but only when premature disclosure of the topic
would place the town at a substantial disadvantage. Similarly, the municipal officers (selectmen or
councilors) may consult with the code enforcement officer representing that municipality in a Rule
80 K land use enforcement matter in executive session where the consultation related to that
enforcement matter.
NOTE: In order to enter into an executive session for this purpose, the municipal attorney must be
present - at least to the degree of a telephone hook-up or conference call.
5. Discussion of information contained in records made confidential by statute.
6. Discussion or consideration by the school board of the suspense or expulsion of a public school
student, or a private school student whose costs of education are paid from public funds.
NOTE: The student, and parents/guardians if a minor, and legal counsel are permitted to be
present at the executive session.
7. Discussion, consultation, review or approval of the content of examinations that were
administered by a body or agency for licensing, permitting or employment purposes.
As will be described below in the section on Public Records, minutes taken or any form of written
or electronically recorded record or note is generally not confidential by law and would be subject
to public inspection. It is therefore recommended that no physical record of executive sessions be

From the MMA Municipal Officers Manual, Chapter 6:

The FOAA has some important procedural rules to follow before going into executive

First, executive session can only be entered after a motion has been made in public session
to go into executive session. The nature of the business to be discussed must be a part of that
motion, although the wording of the motion should not reveal the sensitive information that
the law intends to protect by the executive session process. The motion must “include a
citation of one or more sources of statutory or other authority” to justify the executive
session (1 M.R.S.A § 405(4)). See “Executive Session Motions Now Required to Cite Law,”
“Legal Notes.” Maine Townsman, December 2004; “Executive Sessions (Again),” “Legal
Notes.” Maine Townsman, January 2005; and “Executive Session Motion Citations–A
Quick Guide.” The motion must carry by at least 3/5 of the members present. A written
record must be made of the motion and vote, even if the board does not usually keep

Second, no other matters except the specific subject cited in the motion to enter executive
session may be discussed.

Third, an executive session is for the purpose of discussion only. No decision can be reached
by the board, no motion can be made, and no final action can be decided or taken in
executive session. See “Board Vote by Secret Ballot Violates FOAA,” “Legal Notes.”
Maine Townsman, February 2007.

Finally, the purpose of the FOAA cannot be defeated through the misuse of executive
session. Action taken or resulting from an executive session in violation of the FOAA is
illegal, and upon complaint would be found by a court to be void and unenforceable. For an
FOAA claim filed on or after January 1, 2010 alleging that action was taken in executive
session, the court may award reasonable attorney’s fees and costs to a “substantially
prevailing plaintiff” where the court determines that the illegal action was committed in bad
faith (1 M.R.S.A. § 409(2)). Willful violations of the FOAA may result in a fine of $500
(1 M.R.S.A. § 410).

I trust these materials are helpful. Please contact me if you have additional questions.

Kind regards,

Michael L. Stultz
Legal Services Department
Maine Municipal Association
60 Community Drive, Augusta, ME 04330
1-800-452-8786 (in state)
FAX 207-624-0187
**I have not changed the contents of the document but I did highlight several passages to make a point.  I have a copy of the original if anyone wants to see it.**

Previous Councils have had a history of holding illegal Executive Sessions; however, this fact was not divulged to the people until years later.  A few examples are:

a.   A previous council sold the old high school for $1.00 to the Brunswick Housing Authority and then transferred over a million dollars of Federal grant money to renovate the building.
b.  When the Miller Family offer the town to demolish the Worumbo Mill and Gina Mason persuaded the council not to accept this offer.
c. Chairman LaRochelle and Mr. Eldridge meeting on the town purchasing the Worumbo Mill.

I am positive there are many many more cases of illegal Executive Session that have taken place without the people’s knowledge.  Because these meetings are behind closed doors, it is impossible to tell if any other business was discussed or if any final action was taken.

Past and present councils have never been in compliance with telling the people “the precise nature of the executive session”.  A personnel matter is not a “precise” description of the nature of the executive session.  Another violation is when the council goes into Executive Session on a personnel matter that does not damage a person’s reputation or a person’s right to privacy.

Real estate and economic development negotiations, but only when premature disclosure would hurt the town’s competitive or bargaining position.    Another violation is when the council meets in Executive Session to negotiate a labor contract.  The council does not negotiate anything.  There are individuals like the Town Attorney or the Town Manager who do all the negotiations and report back to the council.  So if the council does not negotiate anything, all Executive Session under this false claim is illegal. 

Under Maine’s “Right to Know”, the people have a right to be told what is going on in this town.  Finally, the purpose of the Freedom of Access ACT (FOAA) cannot be defeated through the misuse of executive sessions.  Action taken or resulting from an executive session in violation of the FOAA is illegal, and upon complaint would be found by a court to be void and unenforceable.  Willful violation of the FOAA may result in a fine of $500.00.  Let’s hope our current council gets its act together before this becomes a reality.

Wouldn’t it be nice if these back door sessions were used only for the purpose they were designed instead of covering up shady dealings?

Larry Fillmore

Friday, May 30, 2014

Lisbon Community Informational Meeting‏ June 5, 2014

Community Informational Night 

On Thursday, June 5, 2014, from 5:30-7:00PM at the Lisbon High School Gymnasium, the Lisbon School Department will be holding a Community Informational Night to provide the public with an update on the June bond referendums. This update will include updated costs associated with building a new gymnasium, renovations to the existing track; and, changes in the schematic design of the gymnasium as a result of input that we have received from the community. Please feel free to contact the Superintendent of Schools at 353-6711 X1005 or  if you have any questions related to this evening. We hope that you are able to join us. 



7:00 P.M.

___Councilor Bickford
___ Councilor Brunelle
___ Councilor Garrison
___ Councilor Lunt
___Councilor Metivier
___ Councilor Pesce
___ Councilor Ward
Town Clerk reading of meeting rules
A. Adria Groh's applications for a new 6-month Itinerant Vendor Permit
B. Rock Dawg's LLC applications for a new Itinerant Vendor Permit, Victualer's License, and Use of Town Owned Property
 2014-90 ORDER − A. Minutes of May 20, 2014
B. Minutes of May 27, 2014
C. Itinerant Vendor Permit - Adria Groh
D. Itinerant Vendor Permit, Victualer's License, & Use of Town Owned Property Permit
E. Renewal Victualer's License for Billy Harris d/b/a Bill's Place
2014-91 ORDER − Review of Mobile Home & Personal Property Delinquencies
A. Finance Director's Report
B. Council Chairman's announcement of annual appointment of the Ethics Panel Chairman

2014-92 ORDER − Library Governing Board 3-year term expiring June 30, 2017
2014-93 ORDER − Ethics Panel 3-year term renewal expiring June 30, 2017
2014-94 ORDER − Ethics Panel 3-year term renewal expiring June 30, 2017
2014-95 ORDER − Appeals Board 3-year term renewal expiring June 30, 2017
2014-96 ORDER − Planning Board 3-year term renewal expiring June 30, 2017
2014-97 ORDER − Planning Board 2-year term expiring June 30, 2015
2014-98 ORDER − Assessment Review Board 3-year term renewal expiring June 30, 2017
2014-99 ORDER − Appeals Board Resignation - Richard Long
2014-100 ORDER − Civil Constable - Paul Potvin, Harry Darling, and Harry Gorman
2014-101 ORDER − 1 MRSA § 405 (6) (A) Board & Committee Interviews (If needed)
2014-102 ORDER − To Adjourn

TMB: Obama’s ‘Offshore Balancing’ Is a Recipe for Conflict‏ And More

 Obama’s ‘Offshore Balancing’ is a Recipe for Conflict
By Matthew Continetti
The phrase “offshore balancing” did not appear in President Obama’s commencement address at West Point. It did not have to.

Temple University Will Not Condemn Professor in Anti-Semitic Row
By Adam Kredo
A Temple University professor who questioned the deaths of 6 million Jews in the Holocaust and engaged in what human rights observers described as anti-Semitic discourse is entitled to promote his controversial ideas, according to a university spokesman who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon.

Report: EPA Could Be Relying on Fraudulent Data
By Lachlan Markay
As the Environmental Protection Agency prepares major new regulations on carbon emissions, the agency’s top watchdog is warning that fraudulent environmental data may be influencing its work.

Federal Dietary Guidelines Committee Criticized as Politically Motivated
By Elizabeth Harrington
Experts criticized the federal government committee currently crafting the nation’s dietary guidelines as politically motivated and said it was putting environmentalism over food science.

Bruce Braley Continues to Tout Career as Lawyer
By Daniel Wiser
Iowa Democratic Senate candidate Bruce Braley is out with a new ad this week touting his career as a lawyer as he continues to face criticism for his ties to the national trial lawyers’ lobby.

The New York Times Is Really Struggling Without Jill Abramson
By Andrew Stiles
Dean Baquet, the newly anointed executive editor of the New York Times, is off to a shaky start. Since the controversial ousting of Baquet’s “pushy” predecessor Jill Abramson, the paper of record has committed some embarrassing errors.

Don’t Mournshame Me, Bro
By Sonny Bunch
Twitter was especially fun* yesterday following the death of Maya Angelou. For instance, I learned that if you didn’t really, really love Angelou’s work, you are probably a racist.

‘Maleficent’ Review
By Sonny Bunch
It’s nice to have Angelina Jolie back on the big screen.

All Apologies

By David Rutz

MSNBC is often so very sorry.

NaturalNews: Baby Chicks, Donuts, Bras And Other Health News‏ And Imagine This Navy Says 'Pings' From Flight 370 Were Fake

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Here's a new snapshot from my ranch; a true story of animal survival as this mother hen defends her four baby chicks and keeps them safe!

Huh? The search for Malaysia Airlines flight 370 has been called off in the "ping" search area; now the Navy says the pings weren't real:

Are donuts causing your depression?
Do bras cause cancer?

10 critical upgrades for a healthier body:

From the blogs: The top 3 ways to protect yourself from the negative effects of wi-fi:

more breaking news continues below...

Friday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: Dr. Frank King and RSB discuss strategies for detoxifying pesticides, glyphosate and other GMO ingredients. Call with your questions at 1-866-939-2355. Listen in at

Today on
- Are statins right for you?
- Candida and sugar cravings
- Teas that help with weight loss

Thursday, May 29, 2014

BrasscheckTV: How Your Perception Of Time Forms Your Experience Of Life‏

How you perceive the flow of
time has a massive impact on 
how you experience life. 
It's a simple idea, but one worth
thinking about. 
- Brasscheck TV 

 Taking a look at the secret powers of time
How time defines your experience of life

RSA Animate - The Secret Powers of Time


 A lecture from Philip Zimbardo 
Philip Zimbardo explains how our orientation to time forms our experience of life.

Some people are past oriented, some people are present oriented, some people are future oriented.

People who live in pleasant climates tend to be present or past oriented.

Think of Latin America, southern Europe, and Africa.

People who live in harsher climates tend to be future oriented.

Think of the Northeast and Midwestern US, Japan, and Northern Europe.

Interesting, huh?

Patriot Update: GREEN BERET SLAMS GWYNETH PALTROW: There’s A Big Difference Between Real War & Twitter

DG – Here’s a response regarding our morning’s Gweneth Paltrow post from my good buddy and Green Beret bad-ass Bryan Sikes:
Check it out:
By Bryan Sikes, SFC, USA
Clash Daily Guest Columnist
To Miss Paltrow,
I’d first like to start out by saying how terrible I feel for you and all your friends that on a daily basis have to endure mean words written by people you don’t know. I can only imagine the difficulty of waking up in a 12,000 square foot Hollywood home and having your assistant retrieve your iPhone, only to see that the battery is low and someone on twitter (the social media concept that you and all of your friends contribute to on an hourly basis to feed your ego and narcissistic ways), has written a mean word or 2 about you. You’ve hit the nail on the head, war is exactly like that. You should receive a medal for the burden you have carried on your shoulders due to these meanies on social media.
You said, “Its almost like, how in war, you go through this bloody dehumanizing thing and then something is defined out of it.” I could see how you, and others like you in “the biz”, could be so insecure and mentally weak that you could pair the difficulty of your life on twitter to my brothers who have had their limbs ripped off and seen their friends shot, blown up, burned and disfigured, or wake up every morning in pain – while just starting the day is a challenge. How about our wives? The ones that sign on to be there for us through thick and thin, that help us to shake the hardships of war upon our return? And do all this while being mothers to our kids, keeping bills in order because we are always gone, and keeping our lives glued together. They do all this, by the way, without a team of accountants, nanny’s, personal assistants, and life coaches. Yeah, reading a mean tweet is just like all that.

Lisbon Shows Its Moxie With New Banners

32nd Annual Moxie Festival July 11-13, 2014

 Ross Cunningham, President of Positive Change Lisbon, and Gina Mason of the Moxie Committee show one of the 12 new Lisbon town banners purchased by these two volunteer civic organizations.

Lisbon shows its Moxie with new banners

May 29, 2014, Lisbon, Maine.  Starting today, drivers will see Lisbon’s Moxie when new town banners proclaiming:  “Lisbon Home of the Moxie Festival” replace some of  the “Welcome to Lisbon” banners.  These 12 new banners are a joint effort of the Moxie Festival Committee and Positive Change Lisbon.

“These two awesome civic-minded organizations are putting Lisbon on the map as a great place to live, work, or start a business.  The Moxie Festival is a truly unique Maine event and Lisbon is a quintessential Maine town,” said Tracey Steuber, Town of Lisbon Director of Economic and Community Development.

Selma Basic, Marketing Officer for Lisbon Community Federal Credit Union, designed the banner.

According to Lisbon Public Safety Officials, an estimated 50,000 people attend the three-day Moxie Festival which will take place July 11-13, 2014.  The Town of Lisbon has approximately 9,300 residents.

Since 1982, The Moxie Festival in Lisbon, Maine has been held on the second weekend in July.  The Festival now includes a Friday night Recipe Contest, fireworks; a Saturday parade, Moxie Day 5K Race, Moxie Bike Rally, Chug-n-Challenge, Moxie Concert in the Park, Moxie Vintage Base Ball Game, and Family Fun Fair; and on Sunday, the Chief Worumbo Androscoggin River Race, Moxie Car Show and much more!  Moxie was designated Maine’s official soft drink on May 20, 2005.  Like the Moxie Festival on Facebook:

Positive Change Lisbon is an organization of business owners, citizens, and government officials who work together to make Lisbon a more attractive place to live, have fun, and to conduct business.  Like Positive Change Lisbon on Facebook:

This is the TRUE Dumbing Down of America‏, Folks We Need Lots of Help !

by Jessy Watters

WATCH: This video proves just how broken our education system is

There are only a few opportunities in life to make a real difference by standing up for what you believe in. The next one is coming on July 22! Get your tickets now!
Glenn’s latest book CONFORM: Exposing the Truth About Common Core and Public Education focuses a lot on the dangers of a nationalized set of standards, but it also takes a look at the problems that plague our public education system more generally. Perhaps there is no greater indication of the failure of American education than a video aired on The O’Reilly Factor earlier this week. 

On Memorial Day, O’Reilly Factor correspondent Jesse Watters headed to a Long Island beach to ask beachgoers basic U.S. history questions like “Who did America fight in the Revolutionary War?” and “What was the Civil War about?”

Needless to say, the answers will make your head explode.

Bikinis vs Brains - Watters' World Memorial Day Quiz - O'Reilly Factor


Read More 

Submitted by:'Gordie'

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Unitil Project Passed‏ !!!


At last night’s Special Town Council meeting, four of the Councilors voted to approve this project.  These Councilors were Roger Bickford, Eric Metivier, Mark Lunt and Gregg Garrison.  Councilors Dillon Pesce and Chris Brunelle voted against the project.

Prior to the vote was a lengthy discussion starting with Mr. Leighton providing a small briefing followed by question and answer period by the Councilors?   Mr.  Leighton stated first that Public Works personnel would not be doing the trenching and later stated that Public Works personnel would be preparing the trench for paving.    According to Mr. Leighton, Unitil will be responsible for the trenching and laying the gas line.  However, it is unclear as to why the Public Works personnel and backhoe would have to be on a standby mode.

Another curious point was, if this is a Unitil project, why was there no one from Unitil there to clarify any points, and there were numerous unanswered questions?  One would be why Unitil is doing the trenching but does not have to complete the work to satisfy the final trench so it can be paved without Public Works personnel having to ensure the work is done right.  Also, why is there no written Unitil proposal detailing the project and who is responsible for what? 

Also, there was no documentation from the Brunswick Housing Authority as to what they are responsible for.  It was stated that the Brunswick Housing Area was to pay half of the cost for paving but did not mention if the Public Works personnel are required to prepare the trench for paving if the Brunswick Housing Authority would split the cost with the town.  In other words, the Town could end up paying for preparing the trench for paving and then split the cost of paving with the town.  If this is the case, the taxpayers are getting screwed again.

Mr. Leighton was unable to answer all the questions asked by both the Council and the Public.  Mr. Leighton changed his story several times.  The Council will still have to go out for bid on the paving because it is over $5,000.00 which is required by the town Purchasing Policy.

I cannot explain why these four Councilors voted the way they did other than this project will provide a cost savings on heating the MTM Center, once completed.  I support the project but I am against approving a project when there are so many questions that remain unanswered.   I will submit a Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) for the documentation from Unitil and the Brunswick Housing Authority which should provide the answers to these questions.  I want to know who is responsible for what.

Larry Fillmore

IJR Review: Ben Carson Gives Blunt Explanation Of Why The 2nd Amendment Is Vital, And It’s Hard To Disagree

By Caroline Schaeffer 

Guest-hosting Sean Hannity’s radio show, Dr. Ben Carson gave a frank take on why the 2nd Amendment is so important. A caller asked Carson’s opinion on the Administration’s attempt to “gut” the 2nd Amendment, and he came back with a brilliant response.
via CNS News:

“…the real reason that [the Founding Fathers] put it there is recognizing that there could come a time when our government itself could go off the rail, and could try to dominate the people, and the people would need a mechanism of defense for themselves,” he said. “I would never allow the Second Amendment to be jeopardized.”
His answer is pretty compelling. Citizens should always be concerned when the government tries to take their weapons away. A militia capable of defending itself was integral to the founding of our country, and it remains as important today.
This is particularly interesting to hear from Dr. Carson, who has previously been criticized for his support of some gun control measures. Do you think this week’s statement is a clarification of how he has always felt about gun rights, or is it a strategic attempt to improve his chances in 2016?

Recap Special Town Council Meeting - May 27th, 2014


The Town Council held a Special Town Council meeting tonight.  On the Agenda were three items:  Unitil Natural Gas Line; Appointment of Town Manager and Tax Collector.

After a lengthy discussion by the council and the audience, the council voted 4-2 in favor of approving Unitil’s proposal.   Councilors Dillon Pesce and Chris Brunelle voted against the proposal.  Chairwoman Ward was excused this evening.

Under Appointments Mrs. Diane Barnes was appointed both the next Town Manager and Tax Collector effective June 30, 2014.

Welcome Mrs. Diane Barnes to our community and the best of luck to you!

Larry Fillmore

Monday, May 26, 2014

Is Our Town Council Going To Make A Decision Without All The Facts‏


Attached is the Memorandum provided to the Town Council for consideration, subject:  Unitil Paving Proposal.  This memorandum is from Ryan Leighton and NOT Unitil; so where is the paving proposal from Unitil?

There are so many unanswered questions NOT provided by Mr. Leighton.  I am going to try and list questions that need to be answered before the council votes on this issue.
1.   Where is the paving proposal from Unitil?
2.  Where is the map detailing the route of this project?
3.  What are the distances from Route 196 to the main to connect the MTM Center and then on to the Brunswick Housing Authority (BHA).
4.  If Public Works is going to be doing the trenching, what is this going to cost the Town (labor and material)?
5.  If the Town is doing all the trenching, why should the Town pay for any of the paving?
6.  If the cost of paving is $13,000.00, why is this not going out to bid as required by the Town’s Purchasing Policy?
7.   What is the Brunswick Housing Authority’s part in this project?
8.  If there is not a hook-up fee, what is the $1,852.00 for?
9.  If Unitil stated they were going to do the project at no cost to the Town, why is the town going to be doing the trenching and required to pay half of the paving?

As you can see there are numerous questions that are still unanswered.  This is a very shoddy proposal coming from a Department Head receiving a salary of over $78,000.00 from the taxpayers of Lisbon.  But what else would you expect from a person with absolutely no credentials.

I am shocked that this incomplete proposal was even placed on the agenda with so many unanswered questions.  I hope the council does not push this item through without having all the facts present and discussed by both the council and the people.  At Tuesday night’s meeting, there is no Audience Participation portion so the people will have no say on this agenda item.

If this agenda item is pushed through on Tuesday night, someone should be looking to see who is receiving a kick-back on this project.

Larry Fillmore


Why do I feel that the Public Works Director and the Town Council are trying to put something over on the Town of Lisbon taxpayers?


At the May 20, 2014 Town Council meeting, in Other Business is an article:

"                             "Unitil paving proposal"


With it is an attachment from Public Works Director Ryan Leighton stating "in order for the project to move forward the Town and Brunswick Housing Authority would each need to pay $1,852 up front and split the cost of paving the trench following the gas extension installation."


The memorandum does not state what the $1,852 is for.


Earlier this year Unitil had a public meeting at LES. At that meeting they said they intend to install a gas line from Route 196, across School Street, up Berry Avenue to Campus Avenue,


They also said that there would be no fee to connect to said gas line!


So, my question, what will the $1,852 pay for?

A connection fee to Unitil?

There is no explanation in Mr.. Leighton's Memorandum.  


The Memorandum further reads that the cost to prepare and

pave the trench ,materials would be approximately $6,000 and labor to be around $7,000.


Yet we were told at said  May 20 council meeting that Lisbon Public Works would be doing the trenching.


Who would we, the taxpayers of the Town of Lisbon, be paying to dig the trench, when we, public works,  would be digging the trench?


Mr. Leighton "anticipates" "Brunswick Housing Authority will agree to split the cost of the materials and labor to pave the trench".  Evidently there is agreement with BHA, so why is Mr.. Leighton and our town council rushing into this?  


Note: This is a Memorandum from Ryan Leighton, and not a copy of Unitil's proposal.


I think the residents and taxpayers of the Town of Lisbon are entitled to see Unitil's proposal prior to the council's vote to accept. Extending the gas line would benefit both the Town of Lisbon and BHA as the MTM Center and Campus Commons could convert to natural gas, thus resulting in savings in heating costs.


The Town Council will be voting on this issue at a Special Town Council meeting Tuesday May 27, 2014. The meeting is schedule for 6:00 to 6:30 p.m., a quickie, with no audience participation
You, members of the present Town Council, are better than that!
Please consider all aspects of Unitil's proposal, BHA's participation, and Ryan Leighton's proposal before voting on this issue.

We need to remember that a former town manager, and previous town council sold the old high school on Campus Avenue to the Brunswick Housing Authority for ONE DOLLAR!

 And  with it, a historical Grant of over One Million Dollars.


Dot Fitzgerald

A Very Concerned Lisbon Citizen