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Showing posts with label BrasscheckTV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BrasscheckTV. Show all posts

Thursday, January 16, 2014

BrasscheckTV: The hero you've never heard of‏ (Mark Pittman 1957-2009)

He predicted the 2008 Crash in vivid detail. 
He explained that this would not be a normal downturn
and why and how the banks were responsible. 
He sued the Federal Reserve - the first person ever to
do so in history - and won access to data they fought
tooth and nail not to disclose to the public. 
And he passed away at 52.
- Brasscheck

Mark Pittman (1957-2009)
Dead at 52 after successfully suing the Federal Reserve

The hero no one talks about
Keep in mind that Pittman’s analysis was delivered six months before the market collapse in the fall of 2008.

Why is it that the financial news (especially Fox and CNBC) has time for every idiot with an opinion regardless of how loopy, but few people have ever heard of Mark Pittman?

Pittman was the first person in history to sue the Federal Reserve (along with his employer Bloomberg News.)

He won - and you never heard of him.


- See more at:

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Milk, "It Does A Body Good", Right? Well Not Exactly; Monsanto's Money Making Milking Machine; BrasscheckTV: The great FOX-Monsanto lying machine‏

Unlike others, you won't hear me 
rail against the so-called "sheeple"
Because no one is lied to more often,
more thoroughly and more effectively
than Americans.
Here's how Monsanto not only
controls the news, but actually
controls it. 
- Brasscheck
 How Monsanto kills the news
The hollowing out of investigative journalism
 Sep 9, 2006

Investigative news report regarding cancer-causing additives to milk by Monsanto is shut down by Fox News executives.

 The free press in America
When it comes to food, it would be in your best interest to realize that you are being lied to on a daily basis.

If a big company grows it, processes it and sells it, then it’s probably garbage that you’d be better off not consuming.

In some cases, this problem goes far beyond “garbage” into another realm entirely.

This video is a rare glimpse behind-the-scenes of how news is really “made” in America and why corporate and “public” broadcasting - like corporate food - is entirely unreliable.

To learn about REAL food, visit The Real Food Channel

- See more at:

Friday, January 10, 2014

Governmental Snooping, Violation of First and Fourth Amendment Rights OR All? BrasscheckTV: Your address book belongs to the NSA‏

The revelations just keep coming...
If you use one of the big e-mail providers
and maintain an address book - and that's
pretty much everybody - the NSA has helped
itself to your address book. 
Here's how they did it. 
- Brasscheck

 NSA: “We’re doing it ethically”
The revelations just keep coming...

Missing from this report - and many other news reports - is this:

Because of the way the Internet works, your personal e-mail traffic may be processed outside of the US. Once that is done, your mail is now “foreign” and subject to anything the government wants to do.

So the domestic/foreign distinction is completely bogus and the apologists from Obama on down know it.

 NSA stealing e-mail contact lists too
The revelations just keep coming

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

BrasscheckTV: The great school lunch scam‏

Who determines what American kids 
eat each day?
To a large degree, it is the Federal 
Government. Congress and the 
Department of Agriculture approve 
what foods can (and can't) be served 
to over 30 million American school 
children who get daily meals from 
the National School Lunch Program. 
The government gets a ton of 
pressure from a food and beverage 
industry frantic to keep kids hooked 
on a diet of sodas, snacks and hot 
- Brasscheck

 The school lunch scam
Corporate pigs at the trough

 Creating a culture of disease
Who determines what U.S. children eat every day during the school year? Every five years Congress reapproves the school lunch program. In 2009, the program was renewed once again, and the Congress screwed over the people. A third of kids are either overweight or obese. This is the story of how the food and beverage industry got Congress to cave to pressure to keep the snacks, soft drinks and processed meats in the schools.
- See more at:

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

BrasscheckTV: Buy Our Insurance Or Go To Jail‏... What's Next An Insurance Company Bailout???

The mind boggles. 
US citizens will be subject to massive fines
and long jail terms if they do not buy health
insurance from private companies. 
The news media is TOTALLY silent and
politicians see nothing wrong with it. 
If you think I'm kidding, watch this.
- Brasscheck

You will be jailed . . .
. . . if you don't buy private health insurance

Speaker Pelosi justifies JAIL for not buying health insurance


In case you missed it...
In case you missed it, here is the video (recorded in 2000) that explains why the government is so interested in MANDATORY insurance and will make sure you get it, like it or not, under threat of fine and imprisonment.

Pelosi initially tried to sidestep the question. By not directly answering it, she implies that the "very fair" legislation could land you in jail for not emptying your pockets to her paymasters at the private insurance companies.

Click here for the back story no one else is reporting:

And Your 'Duly Elected' (sic) Politicians Allowed This To Happen... Feel Represented Yet?

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Does Time Heal All Wounds? BrasscheckTV: Freedom Destroyed‏ ("We are potentially facing cultural genocide")

How Big Oil directly takes freedom away from
America's original people.
Who's next? 
- Brasscheck

Freedom destroyed
“We are potentially facing cultural genocide”
The town of Grand Bayou, Louisiana, has no streets and no cars, just water and boats. And now the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico threatens the very existence of the Atakapa-Ishak Indians who live there. "We're facing the potential for cultural genocide," says one tribe member.

Freedom destroyed
"We are potentially facing cultural genocide"
- See more at:

Who’s next?

The oil companies have been destroying southern Louisiana for decades. Very publicly.

Receiving the brunt of the impact have been the Native Americans for whom the region has been home for centuries.

Few in Louisiana or New Orleans, let alone the rest of the Gulf or country, cared.

Maybe they should have paid closer attention.

“Ask not for whom the bell tolls...”

The most profoundly simple explanation I’ve ever heard about where we’re headed and what we can look forward to came from a North Dakota wheat farmer who in the 1980s as he being forced off his three-generation family farm by agribusiness said:

“I guess we’re the Indians now.”

When Shell Oil destroyed the Nigerian delta, we said nothing .

When Chevron destroyed Ecuador’s rain forest, we said nothing.

When all the majors chewed up Louisiana’s wetlands, we said nothing.

Now we’re all learning the meaning of “justice for all or justice for none” the hard way .

Click here to learn how you can help the families whose homes and livelihoods have been destroyed by BP

Thursday, December 12, 2013

BrasscheckTV: ATF brings "Fast and Furious" to the heartland‏

The ATF got caught red-handed letting weapons
"walk" to Mexican drug criminals. 
But they're not done yet. 
Now they're opening illegal gun and drug
stores in neighborhoods in the hope it will
lead them to criminal kingpins. 
I kid you not. This is real and worse than you can
From our friends at 2nd Amendment TV. 

 A mentally disabled man with a low IQ was used to run gun and drug deals as part of a US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives sting at a Milwaukee storefront. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that ATF agents paid 28-year-old Chauncey Wright, who has an IQ in the mid-50s, in cigarettes, merchandise and money. Then, once the operation was shut down, Wright was charged with federal gun and drug counts and faces up to life in prison. Wright's family complains that the ATF took advantage of him. RT's Meghan Lopez talks to John Diedrich, one of the reporters who broke the story, about the ATF sting that has been marred by more problems than just taking advantage of the mentally disabled, including the theft of ATF guns, and a loss of nearly $40,000 in merchandise.

"Fast and Furious" goes to Milwaukee
It just gets worse and worse

- Brasscheck

Sunday, December 8, 2013

"The old Federal Democratic Republic is dying" "They Love War"‏: Predatory Capitalism and War for Oil

Why the US goes to war. 
- Brasscheck

 Is the US turning into a National Security State?

Army colonel, former Chief of Staff for Colin Powell and Bush-Cheney administration insider, Lawrence Wilkerson says “yes.”

He says he has been disabused of his views of the military as well as his perspectives on the Republican party, and describes the mutation of the Republican party from what it was as recently as under Roland Reagan to what it is today.

“This is crazy. This was what we do today. We do war. The old Federal Republic is dying.”

 “They Love War”
A former Republican military man sees the light

 See more at:

Saturday, December 7, 2013

BrasscheckTV: The Secret History Of WW II‏

On the 
anniversary of Pearl Harbor...
A good time to take a look at
World War II and what led us
into it. 
- Brasscheck

 The lead up to World War II
A preventable catastrophe

 Historian Peter Kuznick 
Peter Kuznick, co-authored the TV series “The Untold History of the United States” with with Oliver Stone.

Supporting both sides of World War II was big business for many US companies - with the approval of the US government.

How crazy did it get?

After the war, the US government took tax payer dollars and compensated US companies for their war plants in Germany that were destroyed by US bombing.

Amazing, but true.

- See more at:
The lead up to World War II
A preventable catastrophe
- See more at:

Thursday, December 5, 2013

BrasscheckTV: Sandy Hook: Decontructing the fraud‏

It's a year after the Sandy Hook
mass shooting. 
Lots of weepy retrospectives,
but no one is asking or answering
basic questions - or pointing
out that the basic story make
no sense at all. 
- Brasscheck

 Sandy Hook: The Logistics
Special Report
 Logistics = Reality

The Sandy Hook story as told makes no sense.

That children were murdered in cold blood is not in dispute.

Who did it and how it was done is.

The official story is literally impossible.

This video covers only a few of the points where the story is absolute fabrication.

The name-calling idiots are writing in with their commentary.

One woman wrote in to claim that her 125 nephew easily carries his weight in gear in Iraq...

Here’s my reply to her and all the other idiots who insist on denying basic reality and making up stories:

Your nephew, assuming your story is real,
does not carry 125 pounds of gear.

No one in combat in Iraq or Afghanistan
carries anywhere near that much.

Your nephew, assuming he exists, is
a conditioned soldier and that’s what
enables him to carry and operate with
whatever weight he does go out with
(50 to 90 pounds tops)

People can watch all the games
they want. It will not condition them
to carry and maneuver with all the gear
the police say this person brought with

So it’s you YOU who are full of crap
and willfully ignorant to boot.

The children who were murdered
deserve a better investigation than
the garbage that TV-addled idiots
like you support.
Logistics = Reality
The Sandy Hook story as told makes no sense.

That children were murdered in cold blood is not in dispute.

Who did it and how it was done is.

The official story is literally impossible.

This video covers only a few of the points where the story is absolute fabrication.

The name-calling idiots are writing in with their commentary.

One woman wrote in to claim that her 125 nephew easily carries his weight in gear in Iraq...

Here's my reply to her and all the other idiots who insist on denying basic reality and making up stories:

Your nephew, assuming your story is real,
does not carry 125 pounds of gear.

No one in combat in Iraq or Afghanistan
carries anywhere near that much.

Your nephew, assuming he exists, is
a conditioned soldier and that's what
enables him to carry and operate with
whatever weight he does go out with
(50 to 90 pounds tops)

People can watch all the games
they want. It will not condition them
to carry and maneuver with all the gear
the police say this person brought with

So it's you YOU who are full of crap
and willfully ignorant to boot.

The children who were murdered
deserve a better investigation than
the garbage that TV-addled idiots
like you support.
- See more at:

BrasscheckTV: Be Afraid: The Manufactured "War On Terror"‏

Arch crook and US Senator Diane 
Feinstein tells us terror threats
are escalating. 
New groups, new tactics...
But when asked for details..."Can't
say anything. National security,
don't you know."
Here's the truth about the "threats." 
- Brasscheck
 The Terror Factory
Inside The FBI’s Manufactured War On Terrorism

                     Be afraid; be very, very afraid 
There’s a terror war on America alright, but it’s being waged on America not by turbaned men in caves, but by US “intelligence” and “law enforcement” agencies against the minds of the American people.

Anyone with half a brain who has spent even 10 seconds deconstructing the “plots” and “threats” the FBI has supposedly thwarted knows they are utter nonsense.

It’s always the same story:

Half-wits losers without a clue are corralled into going along with schemes invented and funded by the FBI and then arrested at the last minute...making the FBI heroes and justifying ever more waste of time, money and effort and abuse of citizens by so called law enforcement who are “keeping everybody safe.”

BrasscheckTV: The Biggest Threat To The American People...‏ {Democracy Real and Illusory: John Judge (1988) }

The biggest threat to the American people...
is the American people? 
That's the logic of the so called "elites."
They weren't afraid of Communists and
they're not afraid of terrorists. 
Free-thinking, clear minded Americans
are their biggest threat and they act
- Brasscheck

 The Biggest Threat To The American People... the American people?

The twisted logic of US “elites”

Saturday, November 30, 2013

BrasscheckTV: Robber Barron Medicine‏

In the 19th century, cartels in oil,
steel, and other industries amassed
fantastic wealth. 
In the 20th century, they used this
wealth and power to take over journalism, 
academia and medicine .
Now, in the 21 century, most people 
have amnesia about how we got to where
we are. Time to wake up. 

 Robber barron medicine
Designed for profit, not for health
 From the Corbett Report
Competition is a sin. - John D. Rockefeller

The robber barrons of the 19th century believed in one thing above all: monopoly control.

In the field of medicine, that has meant the creation of the monstrosity we know as modern medicine.

The system they funded at the dawn of the 20th century is a fantastic vehicle for making money and a terrible system for promoting healthy living and developing simple and healthy methods for treating ailments.
- See more at:

BrasscheckTV: The History Of Medical Industry Corruption‏

The same people who corrupted Congress,
the news media, and academia, also had
a conscious program to take over medicine. 
Here's the history of how they did it. 
- Brasscheck

 How the medical monster came to be
The history of a corrupt industry
 The modern day mainstream medical industry has a dubious history, deeply rooted by a drive for profit through the subversion and suppression of non-profitable and non-patentable therapies and treatments.

To this day mainstream allopathic doctors and practitioners are heavily indoctrinated into a system that protects ever increasing industry profits while fiercely defending orthodox therapies. The network of allopathic medical institutions and education strictly denies medical freedom and outlaws any treatments that cannot generate market share profits for their monopolized industry.
 Monopoly control uber alles 
How did the US medical industry get to where it is today?

First of all note that it’s called an “industry” and 90% of the focused talk about it takes place on financial news shows.

The “Health Care Industry” is considered a good investment, a growth market, but one talks about whether it’s helping people get healthier or sicker.

- See more at:

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

BrassCheckTV: The secret partnership between plants and human beings (The Botany of Desire - Full Length High Definition )

We depend on them for our food,
clothing and shelter.
Human life would be impossible
without them. 
But how much do we really know 
about them?
- Brasscheck

The Botany of Desire
Plants, the partner of human life

Food, clothing, shelter - life

It's astonishing how little we learn about plants in school or through the media.

We're dependent on them - 100% dependent on them - yet the average person knows more about Hollywood celebrities and football scores than he or she knows about the plants within a hundred yard radius of where they live.

An intelligent education system would include plant education - real plant eduction - from nursery school onwards with ever growing levels of sophistication so that every high school grad would know the names, nature, cultivation method and uses of every plant they live among and depend on.

Why not?

It would be an easy thing to accomplish.

Is it possible that societal "plant ignorance" is a value to people who'd like to control society lock, stock and barrel?


BrassCheckTV: Pentagon seeks way to "zombify" US troops‏

Pentagon seeks way to "zombify" US troops
The Pentagon is looking to Big Pharma
to create a drug that will allow human
beings to experience and engage in 
murder and mayhem with no psychological
- Brasscheck

Pentagon hopes for a pill to erase memories
"We need zombies"

Pentagon to use US vets as guinea pigs?


The wars go on - out of the spotlight

The Pentagon is looking for a drug that will erase bad memories.

The estimate is over over 300,000 soldiers are living with some form of PTSD, that's approximately 20% of vets.

What is the Pentagon looking for exactly?

They want to be able to expose people to murder and mayhem without any psychological consequences.

Friday, November 1, 2013

BrassCheckTV: Something truly scary‏

Halloween was yesterday, but 
if you want to see something
truly scary...
How profoundly clueless the
nation's "leaders" really are. 
They can't even get it right
when their own skins depend
on it. 
- Brasscheck

ObamaCare contractor accused of criminal behavior
Pay $1 million, get a $1 billion contract


Didn't any Obama geniuses read the newspaper?

The US is a high tech/software/eCommerce powerhouse.

We're really good at this stuff.

So why did the Obama administration give a $1 billion plus ObamaCare website contract to a UK company that is already under investigation for everything from gross incompetence to government fraud to sexual assault?

Follow the money.

The corporate felons spent $1 million on lobbying (read that "legalized bribery to dirtbag politicians.")

That's a 1,000 to 1 return on their investment (bribe to contract size.)

Why can't every American get in on this corporate gravy train? Think of the good it would do the country.

I'd be happy to give Obama $1,000 to get a million dollar contract to create a web site. I'd ever make sure it works. Which government punk to I give the money to?

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

BrassCheckTV: What's ours is yours‏

In some parts of the country, police have
an unusual attitude about the cash you
might be carrying. 
It's theirs. 
And it's all completely legal. 
TONIGHT on Brasscheck TV at 6 PM eastern: 
Special 75th anniversary program about the 
1938 "War on the Words" radio broadcast
that scared America out of its wits. 
- Brasscheck

Policing for Profit
Police ordered to shake down drivers

"On the money side of the street..."

They have the right to pull you over and detain you long enough to look up the records on your license and vehicle.

They have the right to write you a ticket.

If you've committed a serious crime, they have the right to arrest you.

But some police forces have come up with some new the right to search you and your vehicle for cash and take and keep it it based on "suspicion of wrong doing."

Yes, it's that vague and you get to hire a lawyer and go to court to try to get it back.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

BrassCheckTV: Government by bullies‏

What's the difference 
between the Federal
government and the Mafia? 
- Brasscheck
What's the difference between Brooks and the Good Ole'Boys Club?

Government bullies
What's the difference between
the Federal government and the Mafia?

Gov't Bully to Citizen Activists: Lie or Face Crippling Fines 


The Mafia makes better marinara sauce
Washington' DCs Public Disclosure Commission...

Who are they and what's their job?

To block free speech so politicians, national and local, can continue to carry on like the arrogant, thieving bastards they are.

If you're a big corporation, you're free to bribe and steal and do just about whatever you want.

If you're a citizen, they're going to do everything they can to make life difficult for you.

More info about this case:

BrassCheckTV: When the US went off the tracks for real‏

How did we go from the "land of the
free and the home of the brave" to
a drone strikes, Guantanamo and
the total surveillance of the NSA.
It's been a long process, but
these two put the pedal to the metal.  
- Brasscheck

When the US went off the tracks for real
The Reagan-Bush Years
 In the revealing PBS video documentary The Secret Government, host Bill Moyers exposes the inner workings of a secret government much more vast that most people would ever imagine. Though originally broadcast in 1987, it is even more relevant today. Interviews with respected top military, intelligence, and government insiders reveal both the history and secret objectives of powerful groups in the hidden shadows of our government.

"The National Security Act of '47 gave us the National Security Council. Never have we had a National Security Council so concerned about the nation's security that we're always looking for threats and looking how to orchestrate our society to oppose those threats. National Security was invented, almost, in 1947, and now it has become the prime mover of everything we do as measured against something we invented in 1947."

Pay Attention to rhetoric at about: 19:00 minutes from then Senator John Kerry! 

The Secret Government - The Constitution In Crisis (PBS 1987)


The Secret Government - 1987

Bill Moyers got it more right than he realized back in 1987.

That was nearly 30 years ago if you're counting.

A master of deceit and treachery, the son and grandson of traitors, George H. W. Bush, Sr. leveraged his CIA and drug business contacts into a complete subversion of the Constitution.

The last 30 years - Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama - have been all about keeping this criminal enterprise on track while simultaneously training the weapons of war on American citizens.

The Secret Government - 1987
Bill Moyers got it more right than he realized back in 1987.

That was nearly 30 years ago if you're counting.

A master of deceit and treachery, the son and grandson of traitors, George H. W. Bush, Sr. leveraged his CIA and drug business contacts into a complete subversion of the Constitution.

The last 30 years - Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama - have been all about keeping this criminal enterprise on track while simultaneously training the weapons of war on American citizens.

- See more at: