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Showing posts with label Corruption In Maine's Small Towns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Corruption In Maine's Small Towns. Show all posts

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Since You Won't Get This Update From Town Officials, We Present An Update To The Missing $32,500 From The Economic And Community Development Department In Lisbon

$32,500 UPDATE

As we all know, back in 2007 the town misappropriated $32,500 dollars.  After a thorough investigation, by Interim Town Manager David T. Brooks, no one was prosecuted.  Since that time, the town has done more than nothing to retrieve the money.  I stand corrected, a feeble attempt was made to prosecute first Daniel Feeney which failed and then in May 2, 2012 the town filed a civil suit against Kurt Kimball.

On May 30, 2013 the judge granted a Summary Judgment against the town.  Since that time, the court is waiting for the Town of Lisbon to either proceed to trial or drop the law suit.  One would figure that over 90 days would be sufficient enough time to come to a decision anywhere else but Lisbon. 

Between our Town Attorney Roger Therriault, who is making a killing on this case, and the Town Manager Eldridge who is too busy trying to jam the Worumbo Mill down our throats regardless of the contamination problems associated with the mill, and the Town Council who is trying to make Mrs. Miller happy instead of the voters who elected them; there has been no decision.

Today, I contacted the Clerk of Courts for the 8th District and was informed the court is still waiting on the town.  I am sure there are a lot of people in this town that do not want this to go to trial because the people may learn the truth about who actually stole this money and how it was covered up all this time.  The town could be waiting for the statute of limitations to run out.  At that point, the people of Lisbon will never learn the truth.

I feel compelled to write this update to keep the citizens of Lisbon informed because this information will never come from the Town Manager or the Town Council.

Larry Fillmore

Editor's Note:
At the time all of this was done, it was under the guidance and monitoring of none other than Councilor Dale Crafts.  He has admitted to many that "it would not look good for him if this were to come out" well, too BAD. Jennifer Norris, newly hired Economic and Community Development Director, began to expose this and was then harassed through intimidation by Lisbon Police Chief David T. Brooks.  She left to mitigate the emotional stress induced upon herself by Lisbon's "good ole boy network"
The Cover story was a loan to Atlantic Commerical Cleaners, a fictitious entity, but that has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt not to be the case.   SO what will the Lisbon Town Council Do Now?  

 Dan Feeney with his "Sandblasted" Jeep in a Moxie Parade

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Why Social Media IS Necessary In Lisbon!


On Tuesday night, August 20, 2013, I attended a Town Council meeting/Public Hearing on the Worumbo Mill project.  I am sure that Town Manager Stephen Eldridge was there.  I verified his presence with the Great Falls TV video of the meeting.

However, Mrs. Darcie Moore reported on August 23, 2013 inThe Times Record (click to view), that “However, Tuesday, Eldridge said the council was never able to hear questions, share information or have a dialogue as about six or seven members of the public criticized the council for about 20 minutes about bringing the proposal forward ---objections including the price tag and making the mill a priority over other needs in town can get.”  This is as far from the truth as you can get.  Members of the Public were limited to 3 minutes and approximately fifteen to twenty individuals spoke before Vice Chair Ward terminated the Public Hearing.  Numerous questions were asked but never answered.  The design of the Public Hearing did NOT allow for a dialogue.  The Public came to the podium, asked questions and left.  At the end of the Public Hearing, both Mr. Eldridge and Vice Chair Ward answered a few questions.  

 The entire council chamber was full and numerous others were in the hallway.   A friend of mine estimated there were approximately 100 residents in attendance. It is apparent that Mrs. Moore did not verify her information.  Those that attend council meetings regularly know that Mr. Eldridge is known for not telling the truth or twisting the words for his agenda.  There have been many times Mr. Eldridge has provided the council with half-truths or false guidance in order to get his desired results.  This has been going on since January 2008 when Mr. Eldridge became Town Manager.

This situation is exactly why The LisbonReporter,, The Unmasker 4 Maine and Falmouth Today blog sites were created.  These blogs purpose has always been to bring the truth to our respective communities.  These blog sites enable everyone to express their opinions and to expose the corruption going on daily.  

It is important that the real truth be provided to our people to keep them informed so the people can make intelligent decisions when they are asked to vote on issues.  I know in Lisbon, residents are provided ONLY what the council and Mr. Eldridge want them to know.   

The people are never provided all the facts or all the options.  This is exactly why Lisbon is in such poor condition today. 

Unfortunately, Lisbon can never move forward as long as Mr. Eldridge is the Town Manager.  Lisbon is on the same destructive path Rumford suffered when Mr. Eldridge was the Town Manager there.

Social Medias, such as blog sites, are a vital avenue for the people to get the truth.  You can tell these sites are very effective because councilors, both past and present, object to these sites.  It must be terrible when the truth comes out exposing these councilors.  When Lori Pomelow gave her outgoing speech she claimed the information on the blog sites were lies so we started providing documents supplied by the town as proof.  It is hard to deny anything when you use the town documents as evidence.  The only time they complain is when they are caught in a lie.

Another means of getting the truth to the people is through Facebook.  Facebook reaches a large number of people both locally and around the world.  This is another example of “social media”.  Anyone who criticizes the use of “social media” needs a checkup from the neck up.

I personally have been forced to verify everything said by management of Lisbon.  I utilize the Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) for documents supporting statements made.  I believe I am well over one hundred FOAA’s.  Also, for every copy I receive I have to pay $.50 of my own money.  As a resident of Lisbon, I do not believe I should be forced to go to these lengths. 

Tell me again where the transparency is in Lisbon.

Larry Fillmore

Editors Note:
Councilor Mason Does Not Get It, Never Has Never Will!
Except for her self proclaimed and Self Promoted Events.

Many many questions‏

Many, many ????s

1.What happen to Luiggi's ? RUMOR: they have walked away--burnt by Econ Dev/Scott Benson  who made promises..
2. I read about Millers property and read on the announcement that the bond also includes the MILL St. property. I thought the bond was only for the Mill itself..
    Town has a poor memory--what did anyone LEARN about the horrors of the FARWELL MILL when the town bought it & then Mr. Fenney gave out all the grant $$?????!!  REMEMBER???
  Something about HUD wanted their $$ back and a buried train car with something in it..
3.The taxes for this building & 5.5 acres---ONLY $4,500 a year!!!!! Mr. Moxie pays half this amount for his building with no land outside the footprint.
4.How much did Fern pay for that corner lot and what is the tax on it.
5.Today I heard Fern is building a subdivision on Hinkley St. with construction done by someone in town..if this is true was this land bought from the town? Also there is a lot in this cul de sac that was land locked and now has access??
6. Why are town lands for sale and are not publicly /visibly published?!!   HUD


 Questions are NOT answered by town council if you are allowed to ask a question

                                                               DEEP THROAT

Friday, August 23, 2013


Lisbon Town Council Chairman Fern LaRochelle


During last Tuesday night’s Town Council Meeting/Public Hearing, Councilor LaRochelle left the councilors area and stood against the wall during the Public Hearing on the Worumbo Mill bond issue.  The meeting and Public Hearing were chaired by Vice Chair Ward.  These events lead everyone to believe Chairman LaRochelle had recused himself.  Apparently, this was far from the truth because once an individual is recused he can no longer speak on the subject matter as a councilor and he certainly cannot vote on anything associated with the subject matter.

Both Vice Chair Ward and Chairman LaRochelle, provided clear evidence that Chairman LaRochelle had been in discussions with Mrs. Miller and Miller Industries prior to purchasing the property at 2 Canal Street.  This means Chairman LaRochelle had inside information prior to purchase of the property at 2 Canal Street.  By their own admission, Chairman LaRochelle should have “officially” recused himself. 

To show you how much the rules and regulations mean to this group, Chairman LaRochelle voted to table 2013-125 Bond Order $1,000,000 for Worumbo Mill project; 2013-126 Council Recommendation on Bond Question 1; and finally 2013-127 Warrant for Bond Referendum on September 24, 2013.  WHAT PART OF RECUSED DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?  Once recused the councilor cannot take part in any action pertaining to the subject matter; in this case the Worumbo Mill project.

Also, during Councilor Communication, Chairman LaRochelle gave a wonderful presentation about the Worumbo Mill project and a dog and pony show they were going to give.  Chairman LaRochelle’s dialogue lasted more than the three (3) minutes citizens were allowed to have.  He also talked about investments in the future and how the river is one of our greatest assets.  He also talked about how Bangor had redeveloped the river front.  AGAIN, WHAT PART OF RECUSED DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND? 

Chairman LaRochelle had an opportunity to speak during the Public Hearing but stood there without saying a word.  This was the right time and place; not while he is sitting as a councilor.

All of these incidences are clear violations, and no councilor, town manager or the town attorney made any type of attempt to stop this from happening.  Think about that for a minute!  This is yet another example of the council and its councilors doing exactly what they want to benefit their personal agendas.  They are asking the people for one million dollar bond to purchase and demolition the Worumbo Mill which is currently owned by a private individual.  What kind of precedent is that setting?


Larry Fillmore

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Here Is The Latest Corruption, Collusion, and "Business As Usual" Scandal To Besiege Lisbon Residents


Mrs. Fitzgerald and I wondered why Chairman LaRochelle was pushing so hard for the town to accept the Miller Industries offer for the old Worumbo Mill.  What we have uncovered is astonishing to say the least.

It all started with LaRochelle Properties, LLC purchasing from Miller Industries  the property at 2 Canal Street.  This property was on the market for $125,000.00 but it was sold by Miller Industries to Chairman LaRochelle’s business for $65,000 (See below for the Maine Revenue Services Real Estate Transfer Tax Declaration).  This is substantially below the asking price.  I wonder why Miller Industries sold this property so cheap to the Chairman of the Town Council.  Less than a year later, Chairman LaRochelle is pushing the council and now the people to accept an offer from the Miller Industries for the old Worumbo Mill property.

Let’s take a look at this from the Miller Industries' stand point. 

First, Miller Industries got rid of property they had no intention of redeveloping by selling it to Chairman LaRochelle.  Next, the Miller Industries is trying to dump the old Worumbo Mill property on the people of Lisbon.  After the fire at the mill, the insurance company paid a vast amount of money for the cleaning up of the property, either demolition or renovation of the property.  The Miller Industries chose to reinvest some of these funds for cleaning up the area but chose NOT to reinvest any more money into the mill.   

Now to get out from under this property, the Miller Industries has offer the property to the town for $100,000.  This means that Miller Industries will have received money from the insurance company for this property and now is going to receive additional money from the people of Lisbon for the same property.  If the people of Lisbon decide to float a bond for one (1) million dollars, this will mean Miller Industries is out from under the responsibility and liability of this property  and they will not have to pay $4,939.49 annually to the town for taxes.  Since Miller Industries has elected not to invest their money in the town of Lisbon, they need to dump this property as fast as they can.  Since it has been on the market for several years without being sold, receiving $100,000 from the people of Lisbon is a land fall for Miller Industries.

I look on the Agenda for the Town Council and I see the council is going to vote on (1) Bond Order $1,000,000 for Worumbo Mill Project; (2) Council Recommendation on Bond Order – Question 1; and finally (3) Warrant for Bond Referendum on September 24, 2013. 

Dot and I wanted to know why the council was moving this so fast.   A special election will cost the taxpayers approximately $3,000.   

So why can’t we just add it to the November ballot just 3 months away?   

After little research, we found out why the big rush.  LaRochelle Properties, LLC has to act on their property within 18 months of the purchase price.   If the people approve this bond issue, the LaRochelle Properties, LLC at 2 Canal Street will increase in value but if the people vote this down, the property will remain the same and it would be crazy for LaRochelle Properties to try and develop this property.

Also, LaRochelle Properties, LLC is scheduled to appear before the Appeals Board to obtain a variance on the front and side of the property.  

 Can you imagine putting a structure on the corner blocking the view of motorist on Route 125? 

Also, the LaRochelle Properties, LLC has put in for permits at 2 Canal Street.  The Agenda for the Planning Board is not out yet but I would not be surprised to see LaRochelle Properties, LLC on the agenda.  If you care to check it, the 18 months requirements will be up on November 7, 2013.  Now we know why Chairman LaRochelle is pushing so hard.

Now these are FACTS the people need to know.  I am not sure the other members of the council are aware of these facts either.  I guess we now understand what has happened on the Worumbo Mill property.  To me, it appears that Chairman LaRochelle is paying back a debt he owes to the Miller Industries for selling him 2 Canal Street at such a reduced price.  I wonder how many more Councilors are involved with this scheme?  We will have to wait and see if we have councilors or co-conspirators on the council.

The information I have presented here is a matter of public record.  I believe this is corruption at its finest and I hope the Federal government will step in and investigate further.

From my standpoint, Chairman Fern LaRochelle is a corrupt politician and needs to be voted out.  

Larry Fillmore

Thursday, August 15, 2013

CORRUPTION: The Most, The Least, By Country, and The Most By State


[kuh-ruhp-shuhn] Show IPA
the act of corrupting or state of being corrupt.
moral perversion; depravity.
perversion of integrity.
corrupt or dishonest proceedings.

The World's Most Corrupt Nations, 2012

According to the annual survey by the Berlin-based organization Transparency International, Somalia, North Korea, and Afghanistan are perceived to be the most corrupt, Finland, Denmark, and New Zealand are perceived to be the world's least corrupt countries. For a list of the least corrupt nations, see World's Least Corrupt Countries. The index defines corruption as the abuse of public office for private gain and measures the degree to which corruption is perceived to exist among a country's public officials and politicians. It is a composite index, drawing on 13 different expert and business surveys. The scores range from 100 (squeaky clean) to zero (highly corrupt). A score of 50 is the number Transparency International considers the borderline figure distinguishing countries that do and do not have a serious corruption problem. In the 2012 survey, two-thirds of countries scored below 50.
Country 2012
CPI Score
1. Somalia 8
  North Korea 8
  Afghanistan 8
4. Sudan 13
5. Myanmar 15
6. Uzbekistan 17
  Turkmenistan 17
8. Iraq 18
9. Venezuela 19
  Haiti 19
  Chad 19
  Burundi 19
13. Zimbabwe 20
  Equatorial Guinea 20
15. Libya 21
  Laos 21
  Congo, Democratic Republic of 21
18. Tajikistan 22
  Cambodia 22
  Angola 22
Source: Transparency International, 2011. Web: .

Read more: The World's Most Corrupt Nations, 2012 |

The World's Least Corrupt Nations, 2012

According to the annual survey by the Berlin-based organization Transparency International, Denmark, Finland, and New Zealand are perceived to be the world's least corrupt countries, and Somalia, North Korea, and Afghanistan are perceived to be the most corrupt. For a list of the most corrupt nations, see World's Most Corrupt Countries. The index defines corruption as the abuse of public office for private gain and measures the degree to which corruption is perceived to exist among a country's public officials and politicians. It is a composite index, drawing on 13 different expert and business surveys. The scores range from 100 (squeaky clean) to zero (highly corrupt). A score of 50 is the number Transparency International considers the borderline figure distinguishing countries that do and do not have a serious corruption problem. In the 2012 survey, two-thirds of countries scored below 50.
Country 2012
CPI Score
1. Denmark 90
  Finland 90
  New Zealand 90
4. Sweden 88
5. Singapore 87
6. Switzerland 86
7. Australia 85
  Norway 85
9. Netherlands 84
  Canada 84
11. Iceland 82
12. Luxembourg 80
13. Germany 79
14. Hong Kong 77
  Barbados 76
16. Belgium 75
17. Japan 74
  United Kingdom 74
19. United States 73
20. Chile 72
Source: Transparency International, 2012. Web: .

What's Your State's Grade?

Open records laws with hundreds of exemptions. Budget decisions made behind closed doors. Ethics panels that haven’t met in years.
Those are among the examples of corruption risk we found in the State Integrity Investigation, an unprecedented examination of America’s state capitols. The bottom line? Not a single state earned an A grade in the year-long investigation. Half the states earned D’s or F’s. Find out what your state is doing right and wrong.  See your state’s report card.

50 states and no winners

Some states are making progress toward cleaning up their capitols. Yet many states’ anti-corruption laws are riddled with loopholes or barely enforced. Read an article on the Investigation's findings by Caitlin Ginley of the Center for Public Integrity.


Want to research on your own? Try:

Friday, August 9, 2013

Lisbon Police Chief David T. Brooks' "Scripted Performance"

Lisbon Chief of Police David T. Brooks


I just finished reviewing the February 17, 2009 Town Council meeting where Chief David T. Brooks gave his Police Department review and then verbally attacked Councilor Cote, the Lisbon Concerned Citizens and The Lisbon Reporter.  Chief Brooks' attack was in direct violation of paragraph 7 (Decorum) of the Council Working Rules.  I was going to make a comment but decided it was too long for a comment.

It is amazing Chief Brooks did not know the protocol for filing a grievance with the council.  The proper procedure would be to report this to the Town Manager, who should inform the council and this should have been reviewed in Executive Session.  What is even more disturbing is that his boss, Town Manager Eldridge, did not address this violation during the presentation.  Also, Chairman Michael Bowie allowed Chief Brooks to try and embarrass a sitting council during a council meeting.  You could tell this was well scripted because Normal Wells just happened to have the appropriate passage in the working rules ready to read.  It was easy to tell that members of the audience were there to provide additional input in this situation because the majority of them admitted they normally do not attend council meetings.  So how did they know to attend this particular one?  Apparently, there was prior knowledge.

Do not get too excited about the fact that the Office of the Attorney General investigated this case because Brian McMaster is a personal friend of Chief Brooks'.  This is like having the fox investigate the security of the hen house.  If you care to check it, every time Chief Brooks needs help, he turns to Mr. McMaster to handle the situation for him.  I am not saying Roger Cote was right in everything he did but you do not have your friends investigate you and get an honest investigation.

Chief Brooks talked at length about numerous lawyers he had contacted to look into the possibility Mr. Cote could be charged with civil liability.  He also wanted Councilor Cote removed from the council and we all know how that turned out.   Apparently, all the lawyers Chief Brooks talked to, told him he had no case because Roger Cote has never been charged with anything.

So this brings us to the point and I am not going to take sides because nothing was proven but this was a staged performance.  It was a clear violation of our Council Working Rules and no one on the council or the town manager did anything to prevent this type of action, nor did they do anything to take into the council chambers.

Chief Brooks talked about creditability and I have to ask if nothing was done to Mr. Cote how much of what was said is true?  After this performance was over; there was no more mention of any of this.

I believe Chief Brooks and his posse should have taken this scripted performance on the road to maybe Ogunquit Playhouse because it was so well executed. 

Larry Fillmore

 Ethics Panel CLEARS Councilor Roger Cote of ANY wrong doings.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

One Of The Issues With The Worumbo Mill


At the last Town Council meeting, the councilors conducted a discussion pertaining to the status of the Worumbo Mill property.  This discussion was led by Fern LaRochelle, Chairman of the Town Council, and the owner of the property directly across from the Worumbo Mill.   During this meeting, the members of the audience were not allowed to provide any input.

 Town Manager Stephen G. Eldridge
One of the questions discussed was whether or not the town should float a bond for the demolition of the present structure.  If I understood the figures correctly, it would cost the town approximately $500,000 for demolition and clean up the area.  However, along with this is the cost to purchase the property for appropriately $600,000.   Using these figures, the bond would be a little over one (1) million dollars in which the taxpayers will have to pay back.  This ONLY included the purchase of the property, demolition of the building and cleaning up the area.  It does not cover development of the property.

I am very much in favor of doing something with the Worumbo Mill property but I am SURE the taxpayers cannot afford the price tag.  Remember, the taxpayers have suffered a tax increase for the last two years.  Also, the taxpayers are currently forced to support a communication center that is not a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) and therefore has to have all 911 calls relayed from the Androscoggin County Dispatch.  Also, because of Chief of Police, the taxpayers have to pay for the top of the line for all police equipment such as 2014 Police Interceptors instead of purchasing 2012 or 2013 vehicles to try and save the taxpayers some money.  The Police Department is the largest cost to the town with the least return on investment. 

I personally do not see the need for the people of Lisbon to purchase the Worumbo Mill propertyOnce the town owns the property; the people of Lisbon assume all liabilities for this property.  The town loses the tax money it is currently receiving for the property.  I see purchasing the property as a lose/lose for the taxpayers.  The only person I see gaining anything in this scenario is Chairman LaRochelle because he owns the property next to the mill.  If the town purchases the property and either renovates or demolitions the current structure his property value will increase.

Of course, there is no “Conflict of Interest” here.  I filed a conflict of interest against a councilor with the Ethics Panel and they found no conflict of interest.  I personally believe the Ethics Panel will never side against a councilor, no matter what.

Councilor Gina Mason

Mrs. Fitzgerald and I attempted to offer suggestions on how to get the word out to the people but Chairman LaRochelle would not take comments from the audience.  After the meeting, I spoke with councilors Mason and Lunt suggesting a pamphlet with all the facts and figures be mailed to each resident with the date of the Public Hearing so citizens will be informed as what they are actually talking about.  I understand it is costly but it is the only way to ensure everyone is informed on what is going on because sooner or later they are going to have to vote on this.  I do not know if this did any good because the council does not normally listen to me.

Larry Fillmore

Recap Town Council Meeting Tuesday August 6, 2013


This council has no regards for town ordinances, our Purchasing Policy or abiding by our Charter.  This council does exactly what it wants and cares less about rules and regulations.

During Audience Participation, I explained to the council how they approved yet another contract in violation of the town’s Purchasing Policy.  The violation was as follows:  “At the last council meeting, this council approved the award of the road striping contract to Markings Inc. without having an official sealed bid being present."  

According to Mr. Eldridge, it was simply left out by accident.

What Mr. Eldridge did not tell the council was an email, not a sealed bid, was sent from Markings Inc. exactly one hour and 36 minutes after the opening of the seal bids, which there were none, and the closing of the formal bid process.  This email is what the town is calling an official bid; however, vendors may submit their bids in writing or by verbal communication only for informal bidding.  This requires a formal bid.  

How did Markings Inc. know to send a quote by email at that exact time?  

I’ll bet if you check Mr. Leighton’s email you will find where he sent an email to Markings Inc. that very morning.  

This council approved the road striping contract without a formal valid sealed bid being present.  Also, Lucas Striping wanted to bid on this contract and never received the RFP or an email from Mr. Leighton.  I know that it is not the town’s responsibility to ensure these companies receive the RFP but everyone should have the same chance to bid on the RFP.

I monitor the town web site several times a week and the last posted RFP was from someone for the ECD department.  I never saw any of these RFP’s on the town web site as Mr. Leighton stated.

Markings Inc. is a Massachusetts business and Sir Lines-A-Lot, LLC is a New Hampshire business.  However, Lucas Striping is located in Sidney, Maine.  Also, there is a company called Pine State Safety Line Inc. out of Topsham which was never considered.  Why do we have to go to Massachusetts for this contract instead of keeping our money in Maine?  

Supporting businesses in Maine helps the economy of Maine.  Remember to “Keep Maine Green”. "This is the second contract approved by this council which violates our Purchasing Policy.”  None of this information fazed the council; they approved the minutes of the last meeting anyway.
Under Council Order, Resolutions & Ordinances – The council awarded a $35,743.00 contract to Howard P. Fairfield for a Dump Trailer and $89,200.00 contract to Messer Truck Equipment for a Trash Trailer.  The Carries and Transfers were tabled until the next meeting.  The council passed the 2nd Reading of the Fireworks Ordinance Amendment and the 1st Reading of the Timber Harvesting Ordinance.  The council then had a private discussion amongst themselves about the Worumbo Mill called Public Notice for Worumbo Mill.  Chairman LaRochelle refused to take input from the audience. 

Under Other Business – There was a debriefing by Debra Wagner and Tracey Steuber complete with a financial breakdown for everyone to see.  Town Manager, Stephen Eldridge, informed us that the annual audit has been completed.

Larry Fillmore

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Kennebec Journal: Swan to be tried on extortion charges in September

By Betty Adams
Staff Writer
Former Chelsea Selectwoman Carole Swan, convicted Friday of tax and workers’ compensation fraud, faces another trial in federal court in early September, this time on extortion charges.

Carole Swan
Staff photo by Betty Adams

Swan, 55, is accused of extorting money on three occasions between January 2010 and February 2011 from Frank Monroe, a Whitefield contractor who had contracts to plow, salt and sand Chelsea roads. Swan is accused of violating the Hobbs Act — extortion under color of official right, which addresses public officials using their office to extort money.
Those charges were separated from the others after Swan, through attorney Leonard Sharon, said she wanted to testify in her own defense on some charges, but not on others.
Continue reading:

Saturday, July 27, 2013



It is important that the residents of Lisbon recognize the similarities of the past and not make the same mistakes.  Towns such as Chelsea and cities like Detroit have waited too long for the citizens to take action.  Remember the immortal words of Edmund Burke: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”   Also the Reverend Charles F. Aked said “that for evil men to accomplish their purpose it is only necessary that good men should do nothing”.  These leaders have just described the town of Lisbon.

The town of Lisbon has lost our freedom of speech and its voice during town council meetings.  This has opened the doors for our councilors to ignore the town’s charter and to perform illegal acts.  This is OUR town and it is time for the citizens of Lisbon to get off the couch, put down the remote and put a stop to this corruption.

Everyone is waiting for someone else to act but it is the responsibility of each of us to take action.  The Lisbon Reporter and have worked hard to bring the truth to the residents.  Former councilors slammed both blogs for reporting false information in order to cause trouble in Lisbon.  So these blogs started proving town documents to back up the information providedAs it turns out all the information reported was true and these former councilors had been lying to the people all along.  Everything Councilor Cote said during his tenure on the Town Council is coming true. 

Chairman LaRochelle has voted to take individuals properties for back taxes which included interest and penalties.  However, when it came to LaRochelle Properties, LLC owing back taxes, interest and penalties, Chairman LaRochelle volunteered to pay ONLY the back taxes; in fact, the town Assessor did not compute any interest and penalties for the Chairman. 

 Everyone else who owes back taxes is forced to pay interest and penalties.    This situation was created by an administrative error by the town but for over ten years Chairman LaRochelle never reported the error; probably because it was in his favor.  As Chairman of the town council, he should have recognized the error immediately.

The latest contracts awarded by the town council were a clear violation of the Purchasing Policy of the town.  The contract for the removal of sludge never went out for bid.  The contract is for $80,000 tax dollars and is required to be put out for bid.  The road striping contract went out for bid and was awarded to a Massachusetts company over a Maine company.  There were no sealed bids provided at the council meeting and yet our town council took the word of the town manager and approved the contract knowing the Maine company had never received the RFP but wanted to bid on the contract.

For the past two years, citizens of Lisbon have suffered a tax increase.  Town documents have shown in the Transfers and Carry Forward that a tax increase was not necessary in 2012-2013.   

Town Manager Eldridge stated the budget includes $100,000 tax dollar inflation in the tax dollars allocated for the TIF payments.  The town does not need the latest police cars tricked out with the top of the line police packet in them.  The town does not need to pay $500,000 tax dollars for a Communication Center that is not a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP).  This means that all 911 calls are relayed from the Androscoggin County Dispatch before anyone is dispatched to respond to the situation.  This is a totally unnecessary step putting OUR lives at risk.  The only reason the town suffered a tax increase this year is to support Chief Brooks’ police department and the communications center.  In the meantime, residents are struggling to pay their taxes.

It is time for all citizens to become active before Lisbon becomes a Chelsea or Detroit.  One thing that can be done is in November; we can vote out Fern LaRochelle; Roger Bickford and Gina Mason.  These three are members of the Good Old Boys network.

Start today by calling or emailing your councilors and let them know your feelings.  Their contacts are listed below:

Chairman Fern LaRochelle – 353-2329

Vice Chair Lisa Ward – 353-7307    

Councilor Garrison– 353-2547                 gregg,

Councilor Bickford – 353-8946     

Councilor Mason – 353-9086        

Council Lunt – 353-9903               

Councilor Pesce – 577-4222          

I believe Joe Hill said it best in his article called “Councilors – Can you feel Lisbon’s Pain”.  This article is posted on both web sites.

Larry Fillmore